I want to go home (Part two of last chapter)

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(Art above is something i drew a while back from episode 7 from the Connor and Trevor scene)

Parte Dos because i actually have motivation for once!!!! YAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


After Trevor had stormed out of the tent, he didn't have a clue where he was going. He really didn't want to sleep in the woods that night, so he decides to wait until Derek falls asleep to come back. In the meantime, he doesn't know what to do. 

He leaned against a nearby tree and sat on the dirty ground below him. He really didn't care how messy it'd make his shorts; he could always just find another pair. He leaned his head against the rough bark, taking a deep breath to calm himself down from the previous event. He felt his eyes getting hot and tears starting to build up. A lump felt like it had appeared in his throat. 

"Don't cry... Don't cry... C'mon don't! He's not worth it..." He tried to tell himself. The tears filled his tear ducts, blurring his vision until they started falling down his cheeks. He brought his knees up to his chest and quietly sobbed into them. 

He just wanted out of this camp. He wanted to go home and have things go back to how they were. Him and Derek, playing video games, shopping, and doing stupid eating challenges together (Which Derek had mostly won, somehow.) But now all of that was ruined. He regretted saying yes to Emily's offer to come back on the show as interns. Derek was right, for once. It was a bad idea. 

"Trevor?" A feminine voice had said. He looked up to where it had came from. He could barely make out the figure due to the tears obscuring his vision, but he knew it was Emily. 

"Emily? W-what are you doing here?" Trevor asked, his voice shaky and almost inaudible. He quickly wipes his tears away from his eyes so he can actually make out her face, which looks very confused. 

Emily crouches down next to Trevor (But doesn't fully sit due to how dirty the ground is.) "I saw you and Derek fight on the cameras. Are you okay?" She asks. Trevor internally facepalms for not realizing the cameras; he should've went farther out, he thought to himself. 

"I..." He starts, but trails off. The lump in his throat makes it hard to be audible, so Emily could hardly hear him. 

"You don't have to lie to me. I'm here for you." Emily reassured him, now fully sitting with her arm around him. "Talk to me, Trev." 

Trevor put his head back in his knees at the reminder of Dereks nickname for him and the tears starts to roll down his cheeks again, but faster. He sobbed quietly. He felt like an idiot crying in front of Emily, but right now he didn't care. He just wanted this to stop. He wanted to go home and do absolutely nothing except lie in bed cuddling with his duck plushies covered up by all his fluffy blankets while listening to Lady GaGa. But that wasn't going to happen any time soon. 

'Was it something I said?' Emily thought. She felt terrible for Trevor. He was one of the more upbeat and tolerable people at camp. She brought her hand from his shoulder to his back and rubbed it in a circular motion, trying to calm him down. She didn't know what else to do. 

After a while, Trevors sobs became little sniffles. He brought his head up and wiped his tears. His shorts were soaked where his eyes were. 

"Are you ready to talk now?" Emily asked, using her free hand to fix Trevors messed up hair. Trevor opened his mouth to say something, but the words didn't come out. He shrunk back a bit, avoiding eye contact. "It's okay if you aren't. Are you feeling a little better at least?" Trevor nodded.

Emily stood up and dusted the dirt off of her pants. "Come on, let's get some sleep. We can talk tomorrow. You can sleep in my tent, there's a sleeping bag somewhere in the production tent you can use." She gave Trevor her hand and pulled him up.

"Thank you..." Trevor mumbled quietly, feeling pathetic for taking up Emily's time. He had no idea why she'd help him, but a part of him was glad she did. The part that isn't distrustful, and seeks help instead of pushing it away.

"No problem."


how dafuk is that almost 800 palabras HUH?!?!

anyways may do a part 3 idk yet but i hope you liked the trevor-emily-friendship fluff!

i'm not shipping them btw this is a trevek book yalls tehe

anyways i'm gonna go play the sims now and make sure my sims don't burn themselves with the oven AGAIN

well they've only done that like 3 times but yuh gra gra think u the shit bitch u aint even the fart bitch

ima actually go now


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