Sick Cuddles

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another trevek fanfic because i forgot i had school today yippee

(this is them as interns btw)


Dereks POV

I woke up in Trevor and I's bed. Well, it's supposed to be my bed, but Trevor likes to wake up at like 3 am and come cuddle with me. Honestly, i don't really mind. Anyways, Trevor was sleeping with his head on my chest and arms wrapped around my upper torso, as usual, but something felt... off. He felt really warm, but at the same time he looked like he was shivering a little.

"Trev... wake up babe. Are you sick?" I asked him, while gently shaking him awake. He shifts a little. "Trevor, baby, we have work to do. We gotta set up the challenge, wake up." I keep saying. 

"mmmm..." Trevor groans. He looks up at me, eyes half closed. He looks like he had a rough night.

"Do you feel okay?" I ask him, putting my hand on his forehead. "Oh my gosh, you're burning up." 

"mmm." He... says? He lays his head back on my chest. 

"Trevor... please get up. Kristal's gonna get mad at us. I'll tell her that you're not feeling well, just please." I beg.

This time, Trevor actually says something. "Kristal can fucking suck it." He mumbles, falling back asleep. I'm a little caught off guard, since he normally doesn't swear. I give in, and doze back off as well.


I jolt awake to the sound of someone pounding on our door. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" The knocker, aka Kristal, shouts. She opens the door. "What the FUCK are you still doing in bed?!" 

"Trevor doesn't feel good. He wouldn't get up." I say, pointing at Trevor, who somehow wasn't woken up by Kristals yelling.

"I dont give two shits how he feels! Just move him off of you and get to building todays challenge, it starts in two hours and i am NOT postponing it!" She yells, slamming the door. I roll my eyes.

"'m sorry..." Trevor mumbles, awoken by the door slam. He lets go of me and sits up, rubbing his eyes.

"It's okay, babe. Here, you lay back down, and i'll get you some medicine." I say, getting up and tucking Trevor back in. "I'll be back soon, after I build Kristals shitty challenge, or whatever." 

"Okay." Trevor mumbles. "Love you!"

"I love you too, Trev." I kiss him on the cheek, change into my uniform, and get on with the day.



anyways yuhhhhh

i have no clue what to say-

ima go now and probably take a nap or something because i had to sleep on the fucking floor WITHOUT A PILLOW last night so yea


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