The smiling tree

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Happy early Valentines day! Well not that happy for me because i'm more songle than a damn prongle but i did have mi first kiss recently so that's noice

anyways here's some trevek because yuh gra gra 

(yes,ik it's not valentines day anymore this is late sorry yalls!)


Dereks POV

I wake up seemingly early. I sit up, rub my eyes, and get all my yawns out. Then i realize Trevor isn't cuddling against me like he usually is. Weird...

"Trevor? You there?" I ask, not getting a response. I decide to get my clothes on and then look for him. He probably went outside to stretch and found a duck or something. 

When i open my clothes bag, i notice a note right next to it. 

Dear Derek

You probably noticed i wasn't there when you woke up. No, I didn't see a duck or anything,

well that rules that theory out

I actually have a surprise for you. Come meet me at the smiling tree.

Love, Trevor McGregor <3

Well, it seems like his handwriting, and i don't think he'd go along with one of Kristals pranks. 

If you're wondering what the smiling tree is, it's a tree that Trevor and I found one day while we were setting up cameras that had a nature smiley face in it. We named it the smiling tree, and only we know about it. 

Wonder what his surprise is...

3rd Person POV

Derek gets his uniform on and makes his way to the smiling tree.  It takes him a while because it's been a couple years since they were last there, but he manages to remember. 

Once he arrives, he starts to wait for Trevor. 

"Trev? You here? This better not be one of Kristals stupid pranks or i swear to-" Derek scoffed, being cut off by a voice coming behind the tree. 

"Calm down babe, it's me!" The person comes out from hiding, the person revealing themselves to be Trevor, carrying a red bag with some pink hearts on it. 

"What's that?" Derek asks.

"Your present silly!" Trevor walks up to Derek and hands him his present. "Happy Valentines day baby!"

Dereks POV

Well now i feel like an asshole. 

HOW DID I NOT KNOW IT WAS VALENTINES DAY?! And i didn't even get him anything either. I'm an Idiot. 

"I know we haven't been able to really celebrate for a couple years since the whole prison thing happened, so I wanted to get back on track! Now, are you gonna open it or what?" He asks me Cheerfully. 

"I... sure..." I open the bag and take out the tissue paper covering everything. Inside is a box of chocolates, and an otter plushie (My favorite animal) with a card attacted that says, 'You otter be mine for Valentines Day!' Corny, but adorable. 

"Like it? Made up the otter pun myself, heh." Trevor laughs. 

I don't say anything, i can't say anything. I didn't even get him anything. I didn't even remember the day. 

Trevors POV

Derek just stands there, staring at the gift I gave him. 

"Like it? Made up the otter pun myself, heh." I joke.  He still doesn't say anything, just stands there. He looked a little saddened. "Derek, are you okay?" 

He leaned back against the tree and brought his hands up to his face. Was he... crying? 

"Nonono don't cry! Was the pun really that bad?" I say, running to his aid and holding him. He wraps his arms around me and continues to cry. "Seriously, what's wrong? You can tell me anything, you know that." 

"I... you're going to be mad..." He says. 

"I promise I won't babe. Just tell me, please?" I don't think i've seen him like this in years. That's how I know something must be seriously wrong. 

"I... forgot it was Valentines day and I didn't get you anything and now i feel like a terrible boyfriend!" He rambles. 

I stare at him for a second. Then, I start to laugh. 

"W-why are you laughing?" He says, his saddened expression turning to a confused one. "What's so funny?"

"You silly, I don't care if you forgot! The fact that you even cried over not getting me anything is enough for me to take the hint that you truly do care about me." I say, cupping his face and giving him a peck on the lips. 

"You're serious?" He asks me, blushing a little. 

"Of course!" 

"Oh... Thank you, so much Trevor. I will get you something eventually! It's gonna be great, you're gonna love it! I already have some ideas in mind." He rambles on, standing up. 

"I know it will. Now, let's get back to camp before Kristal or Emily destroys our tent or something, heh." I joke, taking his hand and jogging back to the tent. 

Overall, a successful Valentines Day.


They're so silly i love them sm

Anyways guess who called a random child a fucking idiot today? (he hit me in the face with a football he deserved it >:)

ima go now and listen to Hells Great Dad on repeat 


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