Watched From Afar

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finally back aftger 4q3io37321890238092130892130823083210833028932089213098 years (in this book anyways)

Anyways, this was requested by @IM_PTMS (hopefully it actually mentions you idk how to @ people)

les gooo

"Finally, this damn challenge is done. Now, we can rest." I say to Trevor.

"Thank goodness. I'm glad to be back on the show, but being bossed around by Kristal and Emily AND setting up and testing these challenges sucks, a lot." He rants back.

"I know. But, once this season is done we're home free! AND we still have money left over from the first season. Then we won't ever have to deal with Kristal or Emily ever again."

"Thank god. I can't stand being around them sometimes." He says with a little pout. I chuckle and kiss him. He wraps his arms around me, and we makeout in the middle of the challenge area.

Once we're done, I hear some bushes rustle. "Did you hear that?" I ask. Trevor shrugs.


Me and Alec run out of there as soon as we can, laughing to ourselves the entire way.

"Wow, I had no idea that they were... y'know, together." Alec says as soon as we're away from those guys.

"Me neither. I know they were... close, but not that close." I say. We had originally been spying on them to get an advantage on what the challenge would be, but I guess we got something else.

"I still can't believe we saw them doing that." Alec says as we're now walking into the cafeteria.

"Saw who doing what?" Grett asks him.

"Trevor and Derek kissing in the woods." I say with a laugh.

"Kissing?!" Yul, who's sitting next to Grett, exclaims. "I knew it!"

"HELL YEAH! THAT'S 20 BUCKS HUNTER!" James yells, making the whole building go quiet.

"Damnit, fine. Here." Hunter says, rolling his eyes in defeat and slipping James a crisp 20.

"Pleasure doing business with you, good sir." James mocks, giving Aiden who is sitting next to him a high five.

"What the hell are you campers screeching about?" Nina yells from the kitchen.

"Nina, I told you don't yell at people! But yeah, what are you guys being so loud about?" Marcus asks.

"Those fruity little interns kissed according to Alec and Fiore." Ally says.

"Gosh, why is there so much romance in this damn camp?!" Nina scoffs.

Tiemskip to da challeng

"Welcome to your next challenge, campers! Today you will-" Kristal says, but is cut off by Derek tapping her on the shoulder.

"Here's your coffee, princess." Derek says sarcastically, Trevor following behind him.

"Took you long enough. The challenge is starting. It's not that hard." Kristal says.

"Well then why didn't you do it yourself?" Derek retorts. He then looks over to James, Ally, Hunter, and the other people by them, who are snickering and pointing at the interns. "What's so funny?"

"I don't know, how about you ask your little boyfriend." James says in between laughter.


"We heard you guys kissed." Ally clarifies.

"Well, that rumor is false." Derek says, rolling his eyes.

"No it's not! We saw you guys, right Alec?" I say, nudging Alec. He nods.

Derek and Trevor look at each other, while Kristal is holding in a laugh. "Well, now I know why it took you guys 10 bajillion years to set this up," Kristal jokes.

"Shut up!" Derek exclaims, storming off. Trevor follows shortly after.

"Well, that was funny. Anyways, let's actually start the challenge now." Kristal says. 


why did that take me forever to start yet took me 10 minutes to actually write?

anyways ima go take a shower now because i had PE today and can barely walk (i fucking hate kickball udashdsakjhdsajh)

ima go now


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