a very silly Christmas

162 5 8

Murrah crimuh yalls

Here's your gift of trevek fluff :D

Takes place after all stars

Derek's pov

“Derek! Derek babe wake up!” Trevor exclaims shaking me awake.

“Huh…?” I say, rubbing my eyes.

“It's Christmas Derek! It's the 25th of December! Come on we gotta go open presents” He tries to drag me off the bed.

“Can I wake up first? I can't open presents when I can barely see anything.” I joke.

“Well hurry!” He says, then he runs to our living room.

After a few minutes I sit on the couch where Trevor already has our gifts organized for us to open.

“Wow, you must be excited.” I chuckle.

“Very! We haven't been able to celebrate Christmas for two years. Now, open your things!” He says, putting a box him my lap

I open it, and inside is a coffee set with my favorite kind of coffee mix, and a mug that says “my world” with a heart.

“Awww, this is so cute. Thanks babe!” I say, kissing Trevor.

“Save your ‘thank yous’ for later. You still have more to open!” He says with a smile. Christmas is his favorite holiday, so he always gets super excited this time of year. Going bonkers with the decorations, singing and humming Christmas songs, etc.

The other gifts had matching robes for us, some of my favorite candy, heart shaped soaps, and more stuff.

“You really went out of your way to get me all thus, huh?” I say, Opening the last gift which is a custom t-shirt that has a collage of our favorite photos.

“Only the best for you baby!” He says, hugging me.

“You gonna open yours now?”

“Of course!” He grabs one of the boxes.

“Oh, and save the big box for last.” I tell him.

He opens his gifts, which are mostly duck related stuff, and fluffy pajamas and blankets which he absolutely loves.

“Thank you so much babe! This ìs all super amazing!” He says.

“Save your thank yous until later.” I say, nudging him in a playfully manner. “You still have the big present left.”

He grabs the biggest box. “This is lighter than I thought it'd be.” He tears away the wrapping paper and opens the lid.

Inside, there's a slip of paper.

“Are these coordinates?” He says confused.

“Put them in your phone.” I say, excited to see his reaction when he realizes what I've gotten him.

He searches them up on Google maps. “A pet store?” I look at him, waiting for him to realize. I gesture to the duck slippers I got him, giving him a hint.

His face brights up lighter than the lights on our house. He starts stimming happily. “OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!” He says over and over again. He hugs me super tight, peppering my with kisses.

“Calm down babe!” I say laughing at his excitement. “You're welcome.”

“I love you so much! When are we gonna go and get one?” He asks me.

I think for a second. “I think it's open right now.”

Trevor grins excitedly, grabs my hand, and takes me outside to the car. He's still thanking me while we drive there.

“What are you gonna name it?” I ask him.

“I've had the name Billy in my head for a while now.”

“Thats an adorable name.”

“Thats why I chose it. The cutest name for the cutest little duckling.” He says.

Once we get there, Trevor picks out a little yellow duckling. We also get some food and other stuff for it.

Billy sits on Trevors lap the entire way home. He's surprisingly calm, letting Trevor pet his little head without getting scared.

When we get home, we set up Billy's food and water, and his bed which is in our room.

“This is the best gift ever. Thank you so much babe. I love you more than anything in the world.” Trevor tells me as we're laying down in bed.

“Even more than the duck?” I joke.

“Well…” He jokes back. We hear a little quack sound right by Trevor. He looks down at Billy. “Awww, you wanna come snuggle with your dads?” He coos, picking the little guy up. “Are you okay with him sleeping with us?”

“I don't really mind. Whatever makes you happy.” I reply.

“Thanks. Goodnight Derek, love you!” He says, kissing me.

“Goodnight Trev, love you too.”

Billy quacks. “And I love you too, little silly duckling.” Trevor says.

Alternative title: Trevor gets a new ducky baby

Anyways yea

Merry Christmas eve, or happy holidays, everyone!

And a happy new year

Ima go to my aunts in like 2 hours to open more presents there bc all I got at my dad's was clothes, a little mini vending machine thing, and some games I just gave to my stepsister (yes we did open presents on Christmas eve for some reason idk why.)

Ima go now


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