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"Fucks sake, man. Whose phone is ringing? Turn it off."

In the midst of my dream where my mind was projecting a good moment with my family, i could hear leah's voice. I was back in the states with my parents and sister and it all felt so real.

"Jesus! Who didn't tell their significant other you might black out and crash here? They keep spamming, man."

The following movements we made were all like a blur. My parents waved goodbye to me and val stayed behind begging me not to go.

"Please don't go again. I don't want to be alone. I want to be with you. Please."

"Y/n? Y/n," A hand on my shoulder shook me and i could almost feel like my soul was sucked back into my body.

I hadn't even opened my eyes and immediately i could feel the warm tears pool them.

"I- Tobin is calling you." Leah said when our eyes met and i could see the concern in them.

"Hello?" My voice was mixed with sleep deprivation and de-hydration. I rubbed my temple in an attempt to ease the hangover pain.

"Hey, Christen and i were headed down london and we're not far along from your place. We wanted to come see you, if that's okay? Maybe we can go get some lunch?"

"Lunch? Fuck. What time is it?" I mumbled more to myself.

"Are you hungover?"

I could hear a swoosh sound and the sound of metal clinking with a phone. I furrowed my eyebrows as i glanced around the trashed house.

Katie, lisa, and jen were passed out huddled up in a giant bundle of blankets and pillows. Leah was already awake and roaming around mindlessly as she stared at her messy home.

I luckily got the sofa. The only problem was daan's smaller body on the other end, her legs mingled with mines. I could tell she attempted to scoot them to the side because she was laying at an awkward angle.

"Y/n, you better not be hungover. You are 20 years old. Not of age." Christen scolded.

"She's 19."

"I'm of age. We're in england. I think you got your manchester's mixed up, chris. This isn't new hampshire." 

"Okay, smartass. Where are you anyway? You better not be at a girls house either."

I rolled my eyes and stood up. When i moved my feet i tripped slightly and crashed into the coffee table and hitting my knee in the process.

"Mothe-" I looked down and saw beth sprawled out on the floor like a crime scene outline. "I mean, technically i am. But not in the way you think. I drank-borderline too-much and got tired and didn't have a ride and didn't wanna order a cab-"

"Right. Look, send us your location. We'll come pick you up. We're about a quarter of an hour away." Tobin spoke up loudly and i nodded.

"God." I groaned out. "My head is still spinning and my stomach feels like it's gonna empty itself out."

"Light weight." I heard tobin say which was followed by a smack.

"If you saw how much i'd drank last night, you wouldn't believe it. I vividly remember what and how much i drank and i gotta bless leah's- i gotta go."

I rushed out my words and sprinted towards a nearby trash can. I vomited all of the previous night into it and i could hear tobin's teasing comments.

"Just thinking about it makes me-" I cut myself off when i emptied my stomach out once again.

Diligent | alessia russoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя