Team bonding

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Clearly I lied twice. Next chapter. Filler?

I was making my way into the training ground when a voice called me over.

"Hey. Y/n! Come here." The accented voice of Leah spoke. I made my way to her and noticed another new girl standing next to her.

"This is Caitlin. She just joined today."

Of course I knew who Caitlin foord was. I admired the way she plays. Her change in pace and direction and her ability to move between players was insatiable.

"Hey Caitlin. I'm y/n. I'd say welcome to the squad but I've barely been here long enough to welcome anyone." I spoke with a small laugh.

The Australian forward smiled and nodded. Leah looked between us and nodded, "I was wondering, maybe we can go on a mini team bonding? You know, get the girls to know everyone better. Bond."

"I'm down for that. When would you guys want to do it?"

Leah pondered for a moment before replying, "How about this weekend? We have training tomorrow and then we're free? That's if you don't have plans."

"I'm free."

I agreed with the Australian and Leah nodded, "I'll see what other of the girls would want to go."

"I'll add you to the group chat." I said as I pulled out my phone before I realized I didn't have her number, "Can I get your number?"

The Australian laughed at the sheepish look on my face before she pushed her digits in it.

"I have to go now though. It was lovely to meet you guys. I'll see you later." Caitlin waved at us and we mirrored her motion.

"You won't believe what I'm going to tell you." Over the course of a few months I've gotten close to the girls. More so Danielle, Leah, Jordan, Katie and rafaelle.

"Okay, lia isn't seeing anyone. Right?" I hummed in confusion as I confirmed, "What do you think about her and foord?"

"What do I think about her and foord? I don't know what I'm thinking about them cause I've barely interacted with Caitlin. The girl just got here!"

"Yes. But what if we play Cupid? Wally has been single for ever. The poor girl looks so drained. She won't even do distractions."

"If you knew me well, I don't meddle with anything. Let alone set people up on dates. I've never even asked a girl on a date."

Leah gave an unimpressed look before it turned to amusement.

"Have you even lost your virginity?"

I could feel my face heat up and my body to tense up.

"Of course I have! I just wasn't the one to make the first move."

"Boo. You should grow a pair. I wonder how long it took that poor girl to drop hints until your oblivious self understood."

I rolled my eyes with a playful scoff and crossed my arms, "I'm all for it, but I'm not meddling. Any ideas?"

"Yes. One question, though? Who did you lose your virginity to."

The two of us began walking into training as I shook my head, "She was my friend in college back in Spain."

"What was her name?"

"I can't say. She's a professional soccer player now. And I don't know if she's out yet or if it was a college experiment but I won't out her."

Leah hummed in acknowledgment before a teasing smirk pulled at her lips, "It's football."

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