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It's safe to say ever since i was a kid soccer has been a part of me. My father was the one who paved a way for it to become a part of my life.

He played as a center back during high-school but his dreams were cut short when he found out my mom was pregnant with me.

Being 18 he gave up his dreams to provide me a family.

My mother really didn't have big dreams like him. Instead, she stuck with the one thing she was good at. construction.

My mom was the best in the company. she's gotten countless awards, employee of the months and she enjoyed her job.

Unfortunately, the misogynistic men didn't like the idea of a woman being better and getting paid more than them.

They did everything they could to shoo her away from the company. And she did.

She decided to work for a lower, less known company. That decision cost us our financial stability.

My parents both worked in construction. They would leave early in the morning and come back mid day.

After school i would come home to our apartment and it would be empty. I had to force myself to cook my own food and be my own source of entertainment.

My dad would still talk about soccer. He was the one who taught me all i needed to know. He even took my to my first soccer match, which was an international friendly between honduras and el salvador.

When i was 5, my parents had another kid.

My little sister, valerie, was born. Their attention was mainly put onto her. The daily games my father and i would watch was no longer a thing.

So, as a way i would distract myself, every single day after school i would play soccer inside the apartment.

The only sound heard in the apartment was the ball slamming against the wall and the sound of my bare foot clapping with the ball.

"Doesn't that hurt your foot, honey?"

My mom asked as she burped my little sister on her shoulder.

she gestured towards my bare foot, pointing a finger at my toes.

I was hitting the ball with my toes instead of the inside of my foot. I shrugged and turned back towards the ball when my dad came into the room.

"Darling, you have to kick it with the inside of your foot. It'll give you better control of the ball when you kick and decrease the risk of your foot getting injured."

The tall man walked over towards me, grabbing the ball from my hands and placing it onto the floor before kicking it with his foot.

Although he kicked it way too hard and way off target. He accidentally kicked it into the window, causing pieces to shatter.

We both jumped back startled by the glass breaking, mouth agape as we stare at the hole in the window.

My mom gave my dad a pointed look and he swallowed his spit, "Right. I'll get the broom."
Over time soccer went from a hobby to my main priority. It was currently my first day of fifth grade.

My friends and i made a promise that we'd all try out for the soccer team. After begging my mom to let me join, she finally gave in.

Though, she agreed last minute.

We rushed to a sports store and bought all the stuff i would need.

Being a kid i was oblivious to the financial instability we were in. Even though i hadn't any idea of it, they would do anything to keep the smile on my face.

Cleats, shin guards, socks and a ball. My mom speeding through the streets to make it to try outs on time.

When i arrived at my school, i quickly sprinted out the car and towards my friends. We quickly got changed and lined up for the coach.

"All right, kids, welcome to try outs. I want to start out with shooting. I want three different lines and i want everyone to line up. My name is mr. davenport and i'll be your coach and goalie for today."

He clapped his hands before blowing his whistle. One by one everyone in line went after the other, hitting the ball only to be blocked by the coach.

When it was my turn i didn't hesitate to kick the ball with all my force. I watched as the ball went towards the post but curved to the left, my mouth open in shock as i hit the coach.

He grunted and looked across the field, eyeing every kid in the area, "Who kicked that?"

Every kid turned to look at me and i looked down at my feet in shame before looking back at the bald man.

Worried that he was upset, i slowly raised my hand.

His angered expression softened before he smiled at me, "That was a nice shot, kid."

I smiled and quickly ran to the back of the line.

Mr. davenport then turned to the other coach, "Who is that kid?"

"that one? That's y/n y/l/n. One hell of an athlete, i'll tell you that."

The bald coach hummed as he observed me, watching as i dribbled around the cones much better than the other kids my age.
"Okay, so here we have the roster for our teams."

I stood up straight with my hands behind my back, listening closely at the names the man called out. Each growing second my nerves spiked more and more.

It seemed as if the list of names never ended. As he read out more names, the more anxious i get, until-

"And y/n y/l/n as captain. Congrats to everyone who joined the team and if you didn't, remember, you still did an extraordinary job."

All the kids began packing up their stuff to head out. Some with smiles etched on their faces, some with sour, grim faces, and me. A scared and confused expression evident on my face.

Timidly walking over to the coach, i tap on his shoulder earning the mans full attention.

"Um, why am i- why did i get picked? I don't think i can be captain."

The man flashed me a soft smile and patted my shoulder.

"I see a lot of potential in you, kid. I know you weren't expecting the captain position, but you'll learn. All you need to do is motivate your team and lead them to victory."

"Yea- yes, i know. That's why i don't think i can do this. I'm not a very good talker."

"Well, sure you can. Hey, you're talking right now! see? isn't that simple? The reason i chose you was because of how you play. You're great for your age and i'm 1000% certain that with you leading them, they'll be motivated. Don't talk. Let your performance on pitch do the talking for you. Motivate by demonstrating to them."

"Let your performance on pitch do the talking."

i mumbled, reciting his words to myself. With a nod and a wave to my new coach, i sprint towards my mom.

"I made the team, mommy! And i'm captain, too."

My mom's face spread into the widest grin i've ever seen. A surprises gasp leaving her lips.

"Oh, wow, baby. You did a wonderful job. I always knew you were special, my love. Now, how about we go get ice cream to celebrate, huh?"


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