Middle school

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As i step foot on school grounds my nerves spike. Fear of being bullied and being surrounded by so many kids drowned my thoughts.

"Hey, y/n," My good friend melissa says when she spots me, a sheet of paper in her hand, "Have you seen these around?"

The wavy haired brunette handed me the flyer, my eyes flickering over the words.

'lady mustang soccer try outs. november 25. bring cleats, shin guards and ball.'

"Hm. Yeah. I've seen 'em around. Don't know if i'll try out though."

I mumbled quietly in a semi-disappointed tone. The girl in front of me slumped down with a groan.

"Come on, y/n. Remember when we tried out in fifth grade? What happened to that y/n? the one who's obsessed with kicking a ball into a wall as hard as she can."

"I don't know, Mel. I guess i lost all my confidence. Especially because of you know what."

"So, what? Fuck those no life losers, they're just upset they'll never be as talented as you."

As we were conversing we walked towards our next class, passing by the algebra teacher who gave melissa a pointed look.


"Sorry, Mrs. broad. Look, if i was actually into the game, i'd try out with you and fight everyone who says some rude comments."

As i opened my mouth to speak the girl placed her pointer finger over my lips.

"And if you try out this year, i'll fight everyone on the bleachers... and the pitch. Because you're my best friend and i'll be by your side."

My best friend placed her arm over my shoulders, pulling me into her giving me a tight hug which i couldn't break out of.

I tried prying myself off her but she held a tight grip, "Aw, come on. I know you don't like hugs but hold me. I'm cold."

I let out a small laugh and shook my head, wrapping my arm around to her right shoulder.

"Okay, Okay. Look, im not 100% sure, but i'll think about it. Okay?"

"Okay. Listen, if you need to train some more, im your girl. Even though i don't even know how to shoot the ball. Damn. How did i even make it to the team?"

She mumbled as we began walking into our next class, arm in arm.

i'm definitely not trying out.
When the school day was finally over i rushed home, eager to lay down and chill. Since i'm always home first i was surprised to see my entire family there.

"I was kinda hoping i'd be home alone."

I spoke, letting my presence be clear, startling my parents who were sat feeding my sister.

"Why, so you can break another vase and sweep it under the rug?" My mom spoke in a teasing yet serious manner.

"I said i was sorry."

"Y/n! You're home. Wanna play barbie's with me?"

My little sister, Valerie, ran up to me, a big smile on her face and an adoring look in her eyes.

"Maybe another day, val. I'm hungry and tired today." At my words my sisters mood shifted to a sad one.

As her head went down, her eyes traveled from mine towards the paper sticking out of my front pocket.

"What's this?"

"Wait, val-" before i could finish my sentence, her small hand reached into my pocket, snatching the paper out of it as i desperately tried reaching out for it.

Diligent | alessia russoWhere stories live. Discover now