Try outs

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"What on earth are you wearing? And why are you here? Are you gonna be my emotional support cheerleader or do you have an 80's themed zumba class after this."

Melissa rolled her eyes and slapped my shoulders before stepping back and gesturing to her tacky outfit.

"This is my try outs uniform. I'm trying out with you, too, even though i know i won't make it, i'm here as an emotional support... scratch that, bodyguard."

"What does that even mean? Seriously."

"Well," she cleared her throat and stepped in front of me, hand winding up behind her back, "I'm trying out for defense. If i hear a single peep coming out of those girls' mouths, i'm turning into sergio ramos and giving the dirtiest brexit he's ever done."

My eyes widened out giving the girl a crazed out look, "I'm not stopping you there. but please, don't go breaking peoples ankles and sending them to the hospital."

"No promises."

As we walked further onto the pitch where the coach stood my nerves spiked yet again. My heart rate picking up pace, my hands began to sweat and the atmosphere felt like i was in south america.

"Hey," Meli said softly as she reached for my hand, "Prove to them your worth."

As we walked closer to the coach and the rest of the girls i received a few dirty looks making me drop my head down. Meli, on the other hand, returned the look and the girls stopped making faces.

"Hello everyone. I'm mister cunningham, you can call me coach, and i'll be your soccer coach. Um, this is my first year here so i'm relatively new. To start off, pick a partner and we'll get started with the first drill."

"Thank god i came. You would have been sweating before the real workout came."

Melissa said as grabbed onto my hand, her other arm anchored the ball against her hip. She began leading me towards one side of the pitch.

"Uh, Ryder? May i speak with you for a moment."

The coach questioned causing us to stop walking and look at each other. Meli flashed a reasserting smile and tapped my arm, signaling me to go.

"What's up coach?" i asked nervously as i walked up to the shaggy haired man.

"I re-read your physical," he spoke slowly as his eyes gazed over the form, "And i see about your condition."

My body immediately shrunk at his words. I won't be able to try out.

"Look, if you think i won't let you try out because of this, you're wrong. All i need from you is to wear a protective cup."

"Thank you, coach."

The man nodded and gestured towards the field. "Come on. Show me what you got."


"So?" I repeated melissa's statement, awaiting for her to continue.

"How do you think you did? I think you did absolutely fire and got into the team."

"I'm not sure. I feel like garbage. I feel like i didn't do good enough for him."

"Oh, come on. Don't think that. You did absolutely great. Surely better than those blonde bimbos. But, hey, We won't know until tomorrow."

following day.

I was sitting in art with melissa doing a drawing of a broken skull, the two of us adding details and shadings onto it when a knock was heard on the door.

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