Williamson birthday bash

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As soon as the match finished i was racing back home, wanting to stay in a deep, dark pit more than anything. The door slammed behind me causing my apartment to shake slightly.

"Fuck me."

I let out an exasperated exhale through my nose as i ran my hands down my face. There was nothing else i could do, but the constant overthinking brought it all back.

Everytime i tried reassuring myself i did my best, there was the faint voice of my conscience constantly reminding me about my mistakes and every single detail i made throughout the game.

I had the ball and passed out wide for a winger, a perfect through ball. But the ball came to nothing as play was detained for a foul.

I did some fast pressing on players so they had to release the ball quick. But the pressure wasn't enough even with my pace.

What if i hadn't tried a stupid skill move that wouldn't have caused a counter.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself. I stared off into the blank wall thinking of nothing until my eyes shifted towards the confetti covered gift bag.

With a sigh i get up off the couch and towards the bag. My eyes glazed over the gift i had purchased for leah. My lips that were formed in a straight line curved upwards slightly.

I still had to attend leah's party and part of me was fighting to stay and go.

I shook my head before walking into the kitchen preparing for a meal before getting dressed for the party.

Just as i was about to pull out some ingredients, a buzz coming from my phone vibrating against the kitchen counter.

                           Leah williamson

If you haven't eaten before the party there will be food served here. 6:43 pm

But if you're picky, there's a few options to choose from. 6:43 pm

I shoot leah a quick reply letting her know i'd eat whatever she's serving and that i was gonna take a quick shower and get dressed for her to meet me outside.

After getting dressed into black pants, white shoes, and a forest green shirt, i made my way to the cab i had called.

The gift bag i placed to the side as i sat down, pulling out my phone, whilst giving the driver a greeting before the address.

Leah didn't live far from me. 13 minutes give or take. The lamp posts were the only thing that illuminated the dark roads and it sort of brought a sense of nostalgia.

The faint passing of the warm colored light was the only thing in my peripheral vision as my mind went back to the game.

My stomach churned in anxiety once again, thinking of all possibilities of what i could've done different.

"We're almost there, mate." The friendly older cab driver spoke softly.

I nodded with a thankful smile and texted leah to meet me outside.

When we arrived closer to the brick house, i could see the blonde just having come out of her door.

I quickly thanked the driver and gave him the fare plus a tip. When i stepped out the cab, i got a closer look at the birthday girl.

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