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Cleona Hadley

"I'm tired Samir I don't wanna go nowhere today we could go tomorrow though," Cleo said with slight annoyance in her voice.

Samir called and asked her to go to the beach with him today. They'd planned it all week but now she was tired and didn't feel like going anywhere

"So you don't wanna go no more?"

"No, I wanna go, just not today, tomorrow" Besides being tired she had a headache. Leaving her bed wasn't going to be an option

"Okay, but I'll call you later though, I just wanted to see if we were still going out"

"Alright," Cleo hung up and rubbed her eyes. It was already noon and it was Gloomy outside, it wasn't a good day to go to the beach anyway.

She was getting ready to put her phone down, but of course, like clockwork, Gunner randomly decides to text her


wake tf up

i'm going to the studio today you should go w me

my manager got me some studio time

no i'm staying home today i'm tired

i couldn't go anyway, my mom wouldn't let me

she already knows I'm seeing Samir too

then sneak out tf😂

you're such a square bro

i could pick you up

i wouldn't be over there until around 6 tonight anyway

what would I do there?

i don't got music to make😂

you could just chill with me

we order food and shit

i listen to some beats and see if I wanna hop on any

who else would be there?

just me you and my producer friend

he might bring a few people idk

it's gonna be chill

no one from our school right?

idk i'd have to lie to my momma though

it's hard to lie to her she be seeing right through me

that means you dk how to lie right

I wouldn't set you up like that nah nobody from school

idk I'll see

imma call you later

Cleo sighed feeling the guilt set in. He was always asking her to do random dumb shit that she usually didn't do.

There was no way her mom would let her go anywhere with him, and her mom always knew when she was lying, especially the way her mom always went to the car of the people who picked her up, so she knew already she wasn't going.

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