
63 5 0

Cleona Hadley

"We've been talking since this morning, give me some time to myself," Cleo said, looking at Gunner through the phone realizing it was already noon. They weren't doing nothing but sitting on the phone anyway.

"But you're not even doing nothing. You act like you actually got other friends or something" He laughed looking back up at his TV playing his video game.

Cleo had her date with Samir yesterday and it went well. He even took her to the mall to do some shopping afterward at a few clothes stores. She made sure not to make him go over two hundred and was very appreciative since it's been a while since she went shopping.

But Gunner had been texting her ever since she got back. The last person she talked to before she went to bed last night and the first person when she woke up.

"Stop talking to me. You're so rude, and I be so nice to you" Cleo remarked

"You're not nice to me at all. You block me over every little thing" He says, shaking his head.

"The things you consider 'little' are a big deal to me and you know that"

"Whatever" He got quiet again focusing his attention back on his TV making Cleo annoyed again. What was the point of being on the phone if he was gonna be playing video games?


good morning

bought some sour patch kids for you last night since you told me you like them

i'll give it to you tmr at school

"Why am I on pause?" Gunner randomly asked, Cleo didn't even think he'd notice the way he wouldn't look away from the TV.

"Because I'm texting Samir. You're not even talking to me anyway so go back to your game like you was doing" She states with a slight attitude.

"Always got an attitude, relax. And get me off paused, I'll be off the game in a minute"

She rolled her eyes and continued to go back and forth texting Samir.

"But what are you doing today? You're seeing Samir again?"

"No, I'm home all day" She said going back to their Facetime.

"Is your mom home?"

"No, she's at my aunt house, why?"

"Can I come over?" Cleo looked at him confused about why he'd ask something like that knowing the answer.

"Why do you always ask me to do stuff like that? How am I supposed to do that, my mom's not dumb she'll know someone was here" Cleo implied

"How? Imm be in your room with you, not all over your house"

"In my room?" She asked looking at him crazy

"Yeah, what were you thinking? You wanted to hang out in your living room?"

"I don't know yet but she's probably gonna be back around five, you're not gonna have enough time"

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