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Cleona Hadley

The school week went by fast and now it was Saturday. Cleo had nothing planned besides relaxing and making up for the sleep she missed throughout the week.

Or at least that was until Aubree called. Cleo already knew she was calling to go out somewhere.

Cleo let out a long exhausted sigh before answering the phone.

"Hello?" She spoke putting her phone on speaker and leaving it on her dresser. Her blankets still over her body

"Girl, what you doing? I already know you bored up in the house"

" I'm just waking up, and I definitely am not bored." She replied pulling her blankets up more, already knowing where this conversation was going.

"Josiah's going to that small amusement park thing with all the rides they just opened up by the mall. A lot of kids from school were going so I was gonna go with him"

"Okay well have fun"

"Yeah but you should come too, you don't even be doing no fun high school things"

"Yeah, 'cause I'm being safe. There's always shoot-outs and shit at places like that"

"Cleo come on you know stuff like that hardly happens" Cleo didn't respond. She was a boring person, but she'd rather be at home than get caught up somewhere at the wrong time.

"I'm not gonna force you but if you want I'll come pick you up at 6 later"

"Ion know I'll think about it"

"Alright call me later then" She hung up the phone and sat up in her bed.

It had been a while since Cleo went out to actually have 'fun'.

When she was a junior she had an experience with a guy she was talking to where he asked her to go to the movies and she said yes because she really had a crush on him at the time. But the whole time they were at the movies he was too touchy with her even when she told him to stop.

When she went home that night she cried but didn't tell anybody because she believed since he didn't touch her intimate parts it shouldn't be making her uncomfortable, but I did. It made her very uneasy.

She brushed her teeth and whatnot before going downstairs to her mom on the couch watching Dr. Phil, her mom was a homebody just like her, probably the only thing they had in common.

"Mom why you always watching this boring shit, let me put sumn else on"

"No, you're not turning nothing off, and whatever breakfast you about to make get me a plate too"


"My momma said I could go," Cleo told Aubree over the phone. She didn't really feel like going but on the other hand, she had nothing better to do, so why not?

"So that means you want me to pick you up?"

A lot of things were running through her mind, she didn't know if it was a good decision to go or not but it was just to go on some rides and chill.

"Yeah, If you could get here before I change my mind"

"Alright, my man's gonna get me first then we'll stop to get you. So like 30 minutes" She hung up the phone leaving Cleo to start getting ready.

"When you leaving?" Her mom was in the doorway with her arms folded, watching her throw around clothes to find a good outfit.

"In about 30 minutes, Aubree's boyfriend is coming to get me"

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