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Cleona Hadley

Cleo crossed her legs in discomfort from the hard uncomfortable bleachers. Her arms were folded as she watched the football field, she understood nothing besides what a touchdown was.

Aubree and Josiah were also there, Aubree was with the cheer squad and Josiah sat in the front not too far from her.

Cleo was watching Samir run back and forth on the field. She wasn't bored but she wasn't that interested either.

She usually didn't attend the football games but since Samir invited her she went.

She hasn't heard from Gunner since yesterday, most likely because she never texted him back.

She didn't know how to respond to him, he didn't just smoke weed he was taking other shit too. Cleo didn't like that about him. Smoking weed was whatever but Xanax didn't sit right with her, god knows what other stuff he does

Getting involved with him wouldn't end up well for her.

It was halftime about an hour and a half later, and everyone including her was going to get snacks from the snack bar, but the lines were so long.

"Samir got two touchdowns, girl," Aubree said running over to her in the line

"Yeah, I didn't know he was good like that for real" Cleo answered, her focus on the line in front of her.

"How are you and Samir doing anyway? He's treating you good?"

"Yeah actually he held my hand today" The memory of it brought a small smile to her face

"Ya'll gonna be so cute when he asks you to be his girlfriend. Then we could finally go on double dates and stuff, I'm so happy for you girl"

"Thanks, me too"

When they got their snacks Aubree went back to the cheer squad. Cleo on the other hand set her things down back at her seat and went to stand just outside of the football field until halftime was over.

There were too many people out there right now, she wanted time to be an introvert real quick.

But that didn't last long when she recognized the familiar blonde hair in the parking lot across the street, with his 'friends'. He was sitting on the hood of whoever car that was, passing a blunt around with them.

She hadn't seen them all night; they were the only guys out here. If the police were to pass by they'd be in some shit.

If your friends are fake then why are you still hanging around them?

She cut her outside break short and returned to the bleachers to eat her snacks, hoping the night would go by without him seeing her.

After another hour or so the game was over. Their team won and Samir was happy, everyone was dapping him up.

Samir wrapped his arm around Cleo's shoulder as they walked out. Everyone was looking at them, she felt special.

"You want me to drive you home? I don't know if your mama would be tripping"

"No it's okay, you could take me. She'll be fine, she likes you so far"

"Oh for real?"

"Yeah, she wouldn't be mad or nothing- Yo wassup nett"

She let out an exhausted sigh realizing Gunner and his friends were now approaching them.

"Ya'll won? I wasn't watching we were in the parking lot"

"Yeah 18 to nothing" Gunner's eyes scanned Cleo up and down real quick, he slightly squinted his eyes after noticing Samir's arm around her shoulder.

"Alright I'll talk to you another time or something"

Before Samir could respond, he and the guys he was with were walking away


"The fuck is he calling me for?" Cleo said to herself, sucking her teeth in aggravation

Cleo was showered and getting ready to fall asleep, but couldn't because now Gunner was calling her, right out of the blue.

"Hello? Why are you calling me at eleven at night? Go to bed"

"You ghosted me yesterday. I was thinking about you all day today"

"I know... I just don't like being around people who do drugs... Like weeds cool but Xanax? I can't get caught up with you like that" Cleo said freely. It was too late for her to care to argue with him

"But I never asked you to do them though... It's only me"

"I just feel like you got a lot going on in your head. I don't know what it is" She responded, staring at the phone on her lap.

"Wow, so you're not gonna talk to me anymore just like that?"

"Gunner I'm not even supposed to be around you anyway, you already know this" Cleo sighed scratching the back of her neck. He didn't say anything back, just dead silence for a few seconds.

"You're such a trip, one minute  I think you're fucking with me then you saying you don't want to see me anymore"

"I'm not being difficult I'm just being straightforward. I can't be around nobody on drugs, no telling what you're capable of"

She just didn't understand the things he was going through that she didn't know about.

"You act like I'm taking crack it's just a pill damn"

"A pill that got you knocked out for six hours on the concrete? Bet you don't even remember what we talked about yesterday. I thought you were only smoking weed"

"I do actually" He replied

"I don't know, one part of me feels bad and the next is telling me I should just leave you alone altogether"

"Please don't, I really fuck with you. I won't do nothing around you then"

Cleo rolled her eyes, she thought it was cute how he was begging her but that wasn't enough.

"Hush, I bet you're smoking right now too"

"Nah but I smoked before I called you though. Your voice sounds better when I'm high, like much better"

"I'm hanging up 'cause..."

Cleo was very much stuck when it came to him. She knew talking to him while talking to Samir was wrong but he was cool to talk to.

The only thing about it though was that she didn't have an overall opinion of him so far, every day it was something different which was intriguing but stressful to piece together.

As if nothing just happened, she put her phone back on the charger and tucked herself back under the covers.

She was so busy thinking about her conversation with him that she forgot all about her night with Samir.

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