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Cleona Hadley

Yesterday, Cleo got lucky once again by getting back to school on time with that Uber. Her mom still didn't suspect anything. As long as she didn't check her attendance she'd be good.

Last night when Cleo returned home, she thought a lot about it and blocked Gunner altogether. Not just because of the pills thing, but sooner or later this would have to end anyway, so it was best to do it now.

Currently, she was walking down the hallway with Aubree. Cleo hasn't spoken to her at all this weekend which was very unlike her.

"Where've you been girl I haven't heard from you like all weekend. Samir got you going MIA huh?" Aubree asked

Cleo never went a day without talking to Aubree, so this was coming for her anyway.

"No, I just haven't been feeling good" Cleo replied opening her locker

"Oh, you had a cold or something?"

"Yeah, a cold" She shut her locker after grabbing her book and walked next to Aubree down the hallway to her next class

Cleo couldn't lie and say Gunner wasn't on her mind heavily though. Ever since she left him yesterday she's been thinking about him.

"How are you and Samir doing though? We need to catch up at lunch cause I got a story to tell you about Josiah.."

"You and Josiah always got something going on, I'll see you at lunch though" Cleo chuckled before walking into her class.

This would be the class she had with Samir. She was nervous to see him again after yesterday, but there was nothing she could do now but play along.

"Ms. Hadley you weren't here yesterday, the work is posted online and due tomorrow, get it done," Her teacher warned, looking her up and down from her desk.

"I know, I already saw it"

"I don't need attitude just reminding you to get it done" Cleo sucked her teeth and pulled out her laptop not even trying to go there with her.

"Wassup" She looked over seeing Samir taking the seat next to her like always, he looked happier than normal.


"You're better today?" He asked sitting down and throwing his bag on the floor next to him.

"Much better"

"I texted you last night but you didn't respond" She looked over at him, the way he was looking at her made her blush.

"Yeah, I noticed. I'm sorry about that, I fell asleep" Cleo lied looking away from him.

"It's alright it's just a text"

"Cleona why are you talking when you have work to complete, get it done"

"She get's on my fucking nerves bro" Cleo mugged looking back at her computer.

"She's always on your dick" Samir laughed, Cleo just shook her head

"And it's not just her it's all my teachers because they know how my mom is. Not a day goes by they don't tempt me"

"What are you doing for lunch though?" She shrugged continuing to type on her computer.

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