Invasion Chapter 1: The Spectre

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Earthrealm, Kuai Liang's Wedding...
Today is one of the happiest day of Kuai Liang's life, his wedding with Harumi Shirai. Me, Sonya, Jax, Johnny, Kenshi, Kung Lao, Syzoth, Ashrah, and Raiden, were there along with members of the Shirai Ryu. Kenshi also brought Sento for the souls to he part of the wedding. We didn't want to burden any Outworlders because they might be busy with their own things. Tomas was Kuai's best man. He handed Kuai his ring to Harumi. Lord Liu Kang was the man pronouncing them married. "If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." Liu Kang said.
"I don't object. But I'd like to say something." Johnny stood up smiling. "I'm happy for Kuai Liang and for the Shirai Ryu. And it's all thanks to Liu Kang for bringing us all together on that journey. And I can't wait to make a toast at the dinner later tonight."
"Alright. Thank you Johnny. As for you two, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."
Kuai Liang kissed Harumi. We all clapped, happy for them. Tomas hugged them both smiling ear to ear. "Thank you all for coming. Me and Harumi couldn't be happier. For us. And to have such a large-"
A harpoon on a rope passed us and at them. Kuai Liang spotted it and grabbed it. It got pulled away. We all turned to see who it was. A man in a cloak wearing a black and yellow mask and yellow clothes. His eyes were complete white. "Get away from my wife!" He yelled.
"I feared this would happen. He must've slipped under Geras' nose." Liu Kang said.
"Liu Kang, who is this?" Harumi asked.
"This is a Scorpion from another timeline. I'll explain more when we aren't in danger." Liu Kang told us. "Neutralize him!"
Raiden had his amulet with him at all times, so he shot lightning from his hands. The Scorpion avoided the lightning. He went to attack Kuai. Kuai and Scorpion clashed for a minute. Kuai pushed Scorpion back and Kenshi ran in with Sento. The two battled for a minute. Kenshi managed to whack the sword out of Scorpion's hands. Sonya and I attacked Scorpion, but he kicked us away. Johnny tried to punch him in the balls, Scorpion kneed him in the face. Syzoth turned into his lizard form and attacked Scorpion. He quickly grabbed his sword and cut Syzoth's tail off. "Not again!" He exclaimed. Scorpion grabbed his sword and ran. He escaped us. "Is everyone okay?" Liu Kang asked.
"I think we're fine." Johnny said. He rubbed his nose.
"Who the hell what that?" Kuai Liang asked.
"He is a Scorpion from a different timeline. After we finished Shang Tsung's timeline, me and Geras had a fear other timelines would try to invade ours. This Scorpion is Hanzo Hasashi, the Scorpion of many timelines." Liu Kang told us. "He must've slipped under Geras' radar."
"Why was he after Harumi?" Tomas asked.
"In many timelines, including the previous one, Harumi is dead. Quan Chi killed her and him, but revived him as a Spectre. When he found our timeline, the thought that Harumi is married probably didn't cross his mind."
"So what now? He wants me dead for this?" Kuai asked.
"We don't have to kill him. We must neutralize him." Kuai said. "If I know Hanzo Hasashi Scorpions, i know they are incredibly tenacious. He'll be back soon. Y/n, Sonya, Jax, is it best you guys return to base to get yourselves ready for kombat."

Me and Sonya returned to the last place we were. Liu Kang, Kuai, Harumi, Tomas, Raiden, Kenshi and Geras were there too. The others were asked to stay out of it by Liu Kang. "Okay. When Hanzo returns, we will be ready." Liu Kang told us.
"I hope nobody else invades in the future." Geras said.
"Sounds like you and Liu Kang will have double down on your defenses." Smoke told them. Spectre Hanzo appeared. He looked around. "Less people will make it easier for me." He said.
"You will not beat us." Tomas said.
"Tell me one thing, Scorpion." Kuai Liang said to Hanzo. "Why? Why are you doing this?"
"I searched for a long time. I looked for a timeline where Harumi survived. The thousands of timelines i searched, this is the only one where Harumi was alive. I see now that if I can't have her, nobody can." He said. He threw his harpoon and rope. Kuai threw his too. The harpoons hit each other and the two started a fight. Kuai and Tomas double teamed him. Hanzo managed to match their speed and sliced at Tomas' thigh. He groaned in pain. Sonya jumped on him and shot her lasers in his chest. I ran in and got in a clash with him. We held out swords against each other. He forced my sword out of my hand. He kicked me in the stomach and I fell backwards. Sonya punched him in the chest and he stumbled back. Harumi grabbed him. Liu Kang hit him with fire, making him fly back. Kenshi slashed at his leg and put Sento in Hanzo's foot. He pulled it out and Raiden used his lightning to restrain Spectre Hanzo. "Let me go! You'll all burn for this!" He yelled. "I lost everything in my timeline! My family..." Kuai helped Tomas us and we held him at blade point. Liu Kang went to Spectre Hanzo. "I'm sorry, Hanzo. But this is not the right timeline for you." Liu Kang told him.
"Then bring me back to my own timeline and kill me. If I can't have Harumi in any timeline, let me at least rest with her." He pleaded. I think we all realized kombat wasn't the answer to this problem. It was compassion. "No." Liu Kang said. "Raiden, release him." Raiden did as Liu asked. "I will find you a timeline. One where you and Harumi can be together." Liu Kang said.

Liu Kang and Geras reappeared about an hour later. "Me and Geras found a timeline for him. A timeline where Harumi was the Scorpion of it." Liu Kang told us.
"He will not be causing any significant threats to us." Geras said.

Until someone tells me otherwise, these invasions chapters are not canon.

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