Halloween Costumes

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Y/n's POV...
My head was dunked underwater. I opened my eyes and kept my mouth closed as I breathed out my nose. Then I grabbed an apple with my mouth. I pulled my head up from for water. "Hell yeah, Y/n!" Johnny said.
"Good job, babe!" Sonya said. I dropped the apple in my hand. "Nailed it." I said. Johnny tossed me a towel.
"Thanks again for inviting us, Johnny." Jax said. We were all in Johnny's Mansion. He has to sell it soon to avoid going broke, so he thought it would be nice to throw one last party before leaving. And since Halloween is right around the corner, he set up a Halloween party. Johnny was dressed in a costume from one of his movies. It was some type of adventurer outfit. Me and Sonya were dressed as Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler. Jax was dressed in a yellow Ninja costume similar to Scorpion's costume. "So whens the rest of the party arriving?" I asked.
"Liu Kang is getting the few I invited from Outworld; Milena, Kitana, and Baraka. Ashrah, Syzoth, Kuai Liang and Tomas are on their way." Johnny told us.
"What about Raiden and Kung Lao-"
Raiden zapped in, interrupting Jax. He was dressed in a Frankenstein costume. The scientist, not the monster. The monster was just called Frankenstein's Monster. "Nice costume, Raiden." Jax said. Kung Lao came in wearing a bald cap and black and red clothes. "Like it?" He asked.
"Who are you supposed to be?" Sonya asked.
"I'm dressed as my ancestor, the Great Kung Lao." He said.
"Oh, Liu Kang's first champion!" I said. Then, one of the tomb props Johnny had set up swung open. Inside it was a mummy covered in white cloth. "Okay, nice animatronic you set up, Johnny." Sonya said. "You almost had me."
"Thats supposed to be empty." Johnny said. Then, the mummy ran out. He had seemingly no body since his head was unseeable. Sonya grabbed my hand and jumped back. I tripped over myself and brought Sonya down with me. Jax readied his hands and was ready to fight. Then the mummy started laughing. "It's just me, guys." It said.
"Syzoth? Johnny, you asshole." Jax said, laughing.
"You got us that time." I said. I got up and offered my hand to Sonya. She took it and stood up.
"Where's Ashrah? She was invited too, right?" Sonya asked.
"She couldn't come, unfortunately. But I promised I'd bring something back for her." He said.
"Take as much candy as you want as long as you leave some for the rest of us." Johnny said.
"What is candy?" Syzoth asked. I looked over at the candy bowl and grabbed a laffy taffy. "Here, scales." I tossed it to Syzoth. He caught it and tore it open. He moved the cloth around his mouth and tried the taffy. "By the Gods, this is delicious!" Syzoth said. The door opened. "Everyone, the Shirai Ryu has arrived!" Johnny said. Kuai Liang, Tomas Vrbada, and Harumi Shirai walked in. Harumi is Kuai Liang's wife. They got married not long after the Shirai Ryu was formed. Kuai Liang and Harumi were dressed as pirates, and Tomas was dressed as a skeleton. "You made it. Amazing costumes, Kuai Liang." I told them.
"Thank you." Kuai Liang said.
"What about uhh.. that girl, Frost? Where's she at?" Sonya asked.
"Frost got into a disagreement for a costume to match with Tomas, so she chose not to come. We tried grabbing Kenshi on our way here, but he couldn't make it." Tomas told us. Then Kuai Liang looked at Jax. "Nice costume, soldier." He said.
"Thanks, Scorpion." Jax said.
"Hey guys! Outworld has arrived!" Johnny said. In came Kitana, Milena, Tanya, Li Mei, and Baraka. Kitana and Milena were twinning as cowgirls, Tanya was dressed as a demon, Li Mei was dressed as a witch, and Baraka wasn't dressed up, but he was wearing the proper protection to prevent anyone from catching Tarkat. "Love the costumes, guys. And I like your idea, Baraka." Raiden said.
"Thank Milena. She convinced me to wear this helmet to prevent the spread of Tarkat." Baraka said.
"Works, doesn't it?" Kitana asked. Baraka nodded. Baraka saw Syzoth in his mummy outfit and tapped him. The two nodded, greeting each other. Hanzo and Harumi sat with Sonya and I. "Your wedding was well?" I asked.
"It was perfect. Thanks for helping set it up." Harumi told us.
"Sorry we couldn't make it, but we had stuff to do." Sonya said. "As a matter of fact, Kano was planning on crashing your wedding."
"Then thank you for stopping him." Kuai Liang said. Then, the fire god walked in dressed in black and blue with a blue headband, and sunglasses. "Damn. You look like you came right out of the Matrix!" Johnny said.
"And Geras isn't coming, i assume?" Raiden asked.
"Sorry Raiden, but Geras isn't one for social calls or events." Liu Kang said. "Johnny Cage, you have set up an excellent party. And everyone has come in excellent costumes."
"Why don't we go ahead and get the party started?" Johnny asked. He played his phone and a song International Love by Pitbull started playing. Then, his roomba came out with a tray and cocktails on it. "What is that?" Mileena asked.
"No need to worry, Princess. It's like a vacuum." Tomas said.
"And it's customized to bring out drinks for tonight." Johnny said.
"Eh, fuck it. Lets enjoy tonight." Sonya said. "Let's hope we don't get too drunk." Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it, Johnny." I said. I went to the door and met with someone that looked a lot like Havik. "Uhh, hi. Love the Havik costume."
"This isn't a costume, Y/n. Its really me, Havik." He said.
"Thats a great jo-" The guy grabbed my hand and made me touch his gums. They were real. "Uhh, Liu Kang? Johnny? Might wanna get over here." I said. The two came to the door. "Havik? What are you-"
"Nitara heard of the party." Havik said, interrupting Liu Kang. "She gave me 500 koins to crash it, but... heres the thing, i didn't want to crash it. I actually thought it looked...interesting and wanted to be invited, so i hoped i could come in." He said.
"How can we..." Liu Kang started.
"Now now, hold on. This song is called 'International Love'. So let's show it to him." Johnny said. "Just don't break anything, steal anything, or I will sick the Shirai Ryu on you." Johnny said.
"Okay, i can go a night without being bad." Havik said.
"Awesome. Welcome to the party!" Johnny put his arm on Havik's back we walked out to the main room. "Everyone, welcome Havik!" Johnny said. "He's made a deal with me, so don't harm him and he won't harm you." Johnny said. Havik grabbed a cocktail and waterfalled it into his mouth. "So thats how he drinks without mouth skin or lips." I whispered.
"That's a little disturbing." Sonya said.

Just a fun little chapter I made for Halloween. Happy Halloween.

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