Shaolin Monk Challenge

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Me and Sonya were in a room with Jax. Jackson Briggs is someone who's been with us for a while. Our friend. We were talking to him about Liu Kang. "This God is looking for more champions? Is there anything I'm missing?" Jax asked.
"No, Jax. Thats all we know. We think he needs us as some of his champions." Sonya told him. "That includes you too."
"So are you ready to go to this champion thing?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm gonna grab some gear, then we'll roll out." Jax said.

We were ready to hit the road. As soon as we got outside the building, Liu Kang, Bi-Han, and Kuai Liang were there. "What the hell?" Jax asked out loud.
"Good evening, Y/n L/n, Sonya Blade, and Jackson Briggs." Liu Kang said. "Are we ready to go?"
"All good." Sonya said with a nod.
"Wait, who is this?" Jax asked.
"Jax, I am Lord Liu Kang, God of Fire." Liu Kang told him.
"Oh, you're the God. My mistake, Liu Kang." Jax apologized.
"At ease, Jax." Liu Kang said. We headed to Jax's truck. "Uhh, may I recommend taking just the motorcycle?" Liu Kang suggested. Sonya went to her motorcycle. Liu Kang opened a fire portal. Sonya and I pushed the cycle through as the Lin Kuei, Jax, and Liu Kang went through.

Wu Shi Academy
We were at the Wu Shi Academy. Sonya parked the motorcycle and we walked forward behind Liu Kang. We saw Shaolin Monks, Raiden, Kung Lao, and two new faces sitting down, talking. We approached them. "Hello, new faces." Sonya said. They looked up at us. "Hello there." One of them said as they both stood up. "My name is Kenshi Takahashi. Its nice to meet you." He said as he held his hand out. We shook his hand. "Takahashi, you said?" Jax said.
"Yeah, you know me?" Kenshi asked.
"Well, we know your family blade, Sento." Jax said. "We know the story of your family and I actually heard Takahashi was the disguise name for Taira clan." He added.
"And you?" I asked.
"Well, I'm Johnny Cage, the movie star. Yeah, THAT Johnny Cage." He said. "And you three must be more champions. Uhh, military!" He guessed.
"Special Forces." Sonya corrected him.
"Well, look at you. You know, i'm recently single. My wife just left me." He said. I wasn't going to listen to him flirting with Sonya. I put my arm around Sonya's waist. "Listen, Johnny Cage, this is my woman. She won't break up with me for a movie star." I told him. Johnny looked at me and backed away, his hands up. "Relax, man. Didn't know I was hitting on your girl." Johnny said. He walked past us. "Thanks, Y/n." Sonya said to me. She kissed my cheek. I flushed a little. "Uhhh... no-no problem, beautiful." I said to Sonya.

Time jump...
Johnny says "we've been cooped up here for months." so maybe about, 2 months?

Me, Sonya, Jax, Johnny, Kenshi, Raiden, and Kung Lao met up. Liu Kang approached us. "And today, one of you will be chosen to fight for Earthrealm." He told us.
"One of us? Isn't Outworld fielding several champions?" Raiden asked.
"The tournament's rules give the host realm that advantage. And it is Outworld's turn as host."
"I don't know why i haven't asked this yet, but... what's our record at this tournament?" Johnny asked.
"Earthrealm and Outworld have long been evenly matched. But Outworld is getting stronger." Liu Kang told us.
"So, who is your first champion?" I asked. "Because if you don't mind, i'd like to challenge one of the farm boys." I said. "No offense, Raiden and Kung Lao."
"Non taken." Raiden said.
"Well, if you insist, Raiden and Y/n will battle first." Liu Kang said. We both stayed and our friends stepped back. "Ready, Raiden?" I asked.
"I am ready, Y/n L/n." Raiden said. We battled. I started by using the same strategy i used on Sonya during training by throwing three hits to his chest. He blocked two of the three hits. I then tried to take out his legs, and used my hands to pull him down, but he was able to hold his own against me. He jabbed at my chest with his elbow, making me step back and clench it. He kicked out one of my legs and got me pushed down on one knee. He held his hand out to help me up. "Well done, Raiden." I said. I took his hand and stood up. "Next, Sonya Blade." Liu Kang said. Sonya fought him. I loved watching her fight. Seeing her do many kicks, and seeing her beautiful, blonde hair in the wind. She tried the same thing she did on me by trying to grab him with her legs, and while she succeeded, Raiden bounced back quickly and pushed her to the ground. She took his hand to stand. "Well done, farmer." Sonya said. Then Raiden fought Jax. Jax did amazing, and was able to almost flip Raiden, but he was still taken down. "Nice job, Raiden." Jax said as he got up. Next Raiden fought Johnny. Easy out. Then he fought Kenshi. Kenshi did great using his fake blade to hit him, but Raiden did a spin kick and knocked the sword out of his hands. Raiden took out Kenshi's legs and he went down. Liu Kang asked Kung Lao to relax for now. "Raiden, your final battle is this evening."

That night...
Raiden and Kung Lao were standing. "Fifty bucks says Kung Lao wins." Johnny said to Kenshi.
"Make it interesting. Bet me Sento." Kenshi said.
"Not on your life." Johnny laughed.
"Okay, I'll take the deal, but make it one hundred." I told Johnny.
"Okay, deal." He said.
"One-fifty." Sonya said.
"Okay, one-fifty." Johnny smirked. Me and Sonya shared a look and smiled. "Two hundred." I said.
"Three hundred." Sonya said.
"Enough." Liu Kang told us. We shut our mouthes. "One hundred?" Sonya asked.
"One-fifty, final." I told her and Johnny.
"Deal." Johnny said, smiling. Kung Lao and Raiden fought. Kung Lao had the upper hand in the beginning, but then Raiden took it. Kung Lao never used his hat to not hurt Raiden, which Raiden used to his advantage. Raiden managed to get an uppercut on Kung Lao, making the hat fly off, and beating Kung Lao. "First time for everything, Kung Lao." Raiden told him. He helped Kung Lao up. "You have all trained well, but Raiden had excelled. For the tournament, you'll need this." Liu Kang handed an amulet to Raiden. "This amulet was forged by the Elder Gods, gives the wearer the power of lightning and thunder." Liu Kang said. Raiden tried it out. It was amazing. Lightning shot out of his hand. It was freaking badass. "Be careful Raiden. You could get hurt. Even killed." Kung Lao told Raiden.
"No tournament participant has ever been grievously injured or killed. I would never send my champions unwittingly into mortal kombat." Liu Kang told Raiden. "We leave in 7 days. The tournament will be held at the Palace of Empress Sindel." Liu Kang said. "Y/n, Sonya, Jax, i will bring you guys back to your base. Train as you must, but rest up too." Liu Kang told us.
"Yes, Lord Liu Kang." Sonya said.

Special Forces Base
We returned to the base. "Well, i gotta skedaddle. I'll see you two sometime tomorrow." Jax said.
"See ya, Jax." Sonya said. We waved goodbye and we met eye to eye. "So Sonya... what would you like to do for now?" I asked.
"Follow me to my room, smooth-talker. I uhh...theres something i need to show you." Sonya told me. She grabbed my hand.
"Okay then." I said with a smile. We started walking to her room.

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