For The Empire

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Liu Kang's POV...
I went through the Outworld portal and saw Li Mei. She "greeted" me by telling me Sindel would not listen to her and most likely not me. Then I told het about whats been really going on with the sorcerers, and General Shao. Shang Tsung has made Shao turn against Outworld. Him, Reiko, Motaro, and Goro are against both realms and plan to conquer both. Li Mei listened and believed me. Then Y/n and Sonya fell out of the portal. I caught them. "I told you not to follow me." I told them.
"We got pushed through." Y/n said. Him and Sonya dusted themselves off. "So what about her?" Sonya asked.
"I'm on your side." Li Mei told them.

We were in a carrier car. I continued to tell Li Mei about General Shao and Shang Tsung's team up. And how there cannot be a war. Then the car stopped. Reiko and Motaro, along with multiple of Shao's guards, were surrounding us. "We're surrounded." Li Mei said.
"We are no strangers to kombat, Li Mei." Sonya said as she put her energy blasters off safety mode. Li Mei nodded and ran out. She fought Reiko while I fended off against Shao's guards. Sonya shot her energy blasters at them and Y/n was forced to fight Motaro the best he could. I charged at Motaro to prevent Y/n from suffering any injuries that could kill him. "Holy shit! Thanks!" He said. He grabbed a sword on the ground and started using it. Similar to how he was in the last timeline. Li Mei took Reiko down. The Shao guards got binded up by Li Mei's people. We got in the carrier car before reinforcements arrived.

Y/n's POV...
We were now in Empress Sindel's palace area. We approached Tanya. "Surrender if you wish to remain unharmed." Tanya said.
"We must pass, Tanya. They bring word the general and Shang Tsung plot against the Empress and her family." Li Mei told her. Tanya pretty much rolled her eyes and challenged Li Mei to a fight. "Okay, okay. May I step in for a second, Li Mei?" Sonya said. She stepped in front of us. "Tanya... I'm sorry." She aimed a hand at her and shot an energy blast at her. Tanya flew back. She was okay and alive. Priestesses came by. "You know who I am. Of my deeds when I was one of you." Li Mei started. "I may no longer be welcome, but in my heart, i am still Umgadi. Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, and Y/n L/n are here to end a threat to the Empress. Stand against us and she will lose the throne. Stand with us, and we will save the empire." Li Mei finished. That was enough to get them on our side. We grabbed Tanya, tied her wrists, and brought her with us.

We went to Empress Sindel's throne room and met with Sindel, Kitana, and Milena. "Do not be blinded by anger and grief. We are here to help." Li Mei said. Tanya attacked Li Mei. Liu Kang got attacked by some of the Umgadi. Kitana ran down. Sonya fended off against her. I assisted by blocking her fan blades whenever I could with my new sword. We managed to get Kitana down. "We are not here against you, Princess! You must understand that!" I told her. Milena came to us.
"Milena, we should talk. Remember your sickness." Sonya said to her. Li Mei grabbed Milena and threw her to the ground. "Please Princess, just listen." Li Mei said. Me and Sonya recognized Milena's deep inhale as her head popped up. Sindel got up. "Sindel, DON'T—" Sonya tried to stop her, but Milena jumped at Sindel. Li Mei grabbed her and threw her off. Me and Sonya held her at the wall. We didn't want to fight her, but damnit, we were both ready to. Milena eventually dropped. We saw Tanya come over and inject her with the anti-Tarkat serum. "Now that we're all calmed down, may we talk?" I asked. Liu Kang came to us and stepped infront of Sindel. "Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, General Shao, they conspire to conquer our realms." Liu Kang told her.
"If you need proof, you should see Shang Tsung's lab." I said.

We brought Sindel to Shang Tsung's lab. There was a mutilated Edenian there. "Liu Kang? Is he here with us?" Sonya asked. She was referring to Geras.
"Who?" Kitana asked. The Empress and her daughters faced us. "Long ago, I was not just a god. I was a Titan, and the Keeper of Time." Liu Kang said. Geras came to form next to me. Geras greeted them. "Your majesty. Your highnesses."
"Geras is the guardian of the Hourglass. A celestial object that lies beyond the realms." Liu Kang said.
"This timeline was proceeded by billions more. Though this is the first of Liu Kang's design. The ones before was made by his predecessor, Kronika." Geras began. "When a timeline fell too far to good or evil, she would halt it and restart it. Tinkering with lives and events in hope of achieving her golden balance. Before, General Shao was not a general. Instead, a tyrannical ruler bent of conquest. Sindel, you were his ruthless, screeching wife."
"When I took the Hourglass from Kronika, I vowed to do better. I planned to remove the sorcerer's powers, make Shao your loyal follower, and have you rule Outworld firmly but fairly." Liu Kang said to Sindel.
"But someone has interfered. To make Shao, Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung the villains they were in previous timelines." Geras added.
"Where to begin. Do I kneel to my creator? Do you expect worship?" Sindel asked. A door was kicked open. General Shao walked in with Rain, Goro, and that evil demon lady from before. "You." Sindel said. "You sanctioned these unspeakable horrors? Lie to me about the threats we faced?" Sindel asked. "Thanks to you, Earthrealm blood is already on my hands. Bloodshed without cause or provocation!"
"Don't. Move." General Shao pulled out an amulet.
"Everyone, stay back!" Liu Kang said as he and Geras got in front of us all. "The Amulet of Shinnok. A weapon of terrifying power."
"It should not exist. More evidence of foreign interference." Geras said.
"Shao, put down the amulet. Its power is beyond your control." Liu Kang heeded. Shao just laughed in our faces. "You think I do battle untrained with my weapons? I am more than prepared!" Shao said. He activated the amulet.

Sonya's POV...
Shao activated the amulet. It caught Tanya, Milena, Kitana, Geras, and Y/n in its power, and captured them in it. "You motherfucker!" I yelled at Shao. Rain stopped me from getting to Shao. He got lucky. Sindel fought the demon bloodsucking bitch from before. Liu Kang assisted me. "Liu Kang! What did he do? Can you bring them back?" I asked.
"They are not dead. Trapped in the amulet." He said. We found Rain. I used my energy blasters to break through any water he threw at us, and got to him. I started punching him in the face multiple times. Then i brought him up and threw Rain at a wall. Sindel regrouped with us. Shao pointed Shinnok's amulet at us. Li Mei kicked Shao down. A wall was busted open and Reiko and Motaro ran in. Sindel fought Reiko. I started shooting my energy blasters at Shao and Motaro. Reiko went down. Li Mei kicked Sindel out of the way when Rain got back up. Some Umgadi attacked Shao for me. I went to help Sindel fight Rain. She used her hair and shrieks to battle him, and I used my skill and blasters against him. I delivered a good punch to his nuts when Sindel used her hair to flip him on his head. We toom him down quick. "You are forever dead to me. Nice work, Miss Blade." Sindel said to me. I nodded. Rain opened his eyes. "Consider him dead for good." I said. I pulled out my pistol and aimed it at Rain. I put a bullet through his head. Sindel didn't blink or look away. We focused on Shao as he looked at us. "I remember the weak, sickly boy you were." Sindel said to Shao. We fought Shao. I was going as rough as I could with my punches. I was ready to end him. I pulled my pistol out, but he slapped it out of my hands and used his battle axe to to destroy it. Me and Sindel still managed to disarm him and took him down. Sindel gave Liu Kang the amulet. He released Geras, Tanya, Sindel's daughters, and Y/n. Sindel hugged her daughters while I grabbed Y/n and kissed him. He hugged me and deepened the kiss. "I hate to disrupt, but we must act quickly to save Earthrealm." Liu Kang said. Y/n didn't let go for a few extra seconds. Then we both pulled away.

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