;🎧 Chapter 22

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This chapter will contain sensitive topics such as the mention of suicide attempts,and self harm. If you are sensitive or uncomfortable will these topics, the mention of this topics are not at all large but also not minimal. Ooc Maverick..

His body felt cold, like it was drained. He couldn't move at all, it was as if an anchor was chained to him. Ugh, honestly he expected this. To wake up after death refused him once more, like all the other attempts. It's nothing new to him.

The surrounding floor was covered in red somewhat sticky liquid. Staining his clothes, the clothes sticked to his kin after it got drenched by his blood. It gave him an icky feeling.

"Fine, if death won't take me, I'll try my best to survive." He thought while kneeling up while holding his stomach.

He stood up and weakly plopped to the bed, grabbing the blanket and using it to cover his stomach. He hissed by the sharp pain that went to his abdomen before grabbing the container of painkillers and swallowing a reasonable amount.

"..Just a few more hours." He sighed while shutting his eyes. "I'm hungry. But no way I can eat while my guts are on the verge of spilling out."

He looked at the clock on his drawer. The time didn't move at all...ah, he forgot time stops once it hit midnight. He couldn't determine how many hours passed by while he was out. How delightful.

I mean it must've been a lot of hours right?...

Ugh, he wants to punch himself for jinxing himself so much. It's been 4 hours already and he's loosing his patience. He managed to stop the bleeding in time so he won't die from blood loss..probably-

All he needs to do is to keep calm and wait for 7 hours to pass. But he's been waiting for a long time already, heck he might even think he's stuck in this dimension. He could feel his conscious slipping away after staying awake for so many hours. He wants to sleep so bad but if he does then the blanket will loosen and he'll start bleeding again.

"Hurry up, I want my guts inside me already." He grumbled before yawning.

"A few minutes of shut eye won't hurt..right?" He thought before he slapped himself. "I'll probably jinx myself again."

Maybe he should try searching the room for something helpful. He carefully slid off the bed and stood up. He was about to walk before he felt the world shift and fell to the floor. He softened his fall by using his palm to catch himself and sat up. He was about to question what happened before he woke up.

He woke up to someone lightly shaking him awake. His once dull black eyes snapped back to a darkish [Eye color], his eyes met with Maverick's concerned face.

"The nurse told me you were shaking and how your heart monitor was slowing down." Maverick told him.

His eyes dozed out a bit before he clutched his stomach by instincts. It was sore and pretty painful but it wasn't too much. Maverick seemed to notice how he was clutching his stomach and questioned him.

"If there's something wrong regarding your health you should tell me, I'm still responsible for your well being." Maverick said.

"I-it's nothing, just a bit of a stomach ache I think.." He muttered while looking away from Maverick. Slowly backing away from him.

Maverick stayed silent before sighing, he knew convincing the boy to tell him what's wrong was hard. So he just brushed it off, however if it did get worse he'll need to step in.

"I know that I left you alone when you were still a kid, I acknowledge my actions and I apologize for what I had done and how much it affected you." Maverick stated "I know you're having a hard time trusting me because in your perspective I kidnapped you and how I'm only gaining your trust for information. But that's not true, I do care about you."

He still didn't try and meet his eyes, he was sitting on the wall, back pressed against the wall.

"So please..If there's something wrong I want you to tell me." Maverick finished.

Silence engulfed the room, the atmosphere wasn't at all uncomfortable or awkward. He couldn't sense whether the man infront of him was telling the truth or not. He seemed sincere-genuine even. But he's unsure whether to trust him since he basically abandoned him at a young age and only came back now that he's a teen.

He heard the man walk towards him and turned his head to look at him. Before he felt a hand wrap around his wrist and yanked towards the man. He looked at the floor while Maverick observed the scars on his risk. The scars were not all fresh but a few days old.

Maverick sighed before he took a medkit from the floor, presumably brought it with him after the nurse informed him. He took out some things before he started cleaning the scars. He was quiet while cleaning the scars.

Maverick wrapped the bandages diligently and gently, treating his arm like it was a porcelain glass arm. After he was finished he put all the things back to the kit while holding his arm. He held his hand as a way to give him some comfort.

"I know you're scared by..all of this." Maverick muttered. "But I assure you I will not hurt you. I won't do that to you no matter how many times you'll push me away, but I need you to cooperate with me. I know this is a lot to ask, but this is for the better. So please..cooperate with me?"

He felt tears pricked up in his eyes before he silently nodded. So far Maverick was the only person he considered trusting in this darn place. He had no other choice but to comply to his request. He just hopes he won't take advantage of it like the others.

Maverick gave him a smile before squeezing his hand in a reassuring way.

"Thank you. Get some rest, we'll be doing something in the morning." Maverick said before pulling his hand away from his. "Goodnight, M/n."

He heard footsteps before he heard the door close. He sat still for a few seconds before he brought his knees close to his chest and looked at his bandaged arm.

"What an I suppose to do?.." He thought before drifting off to slumber, tired by all the events that happened.

A/n: hooray, the chapter is smaller than average today because I have to sleep earlier this time. I've been tired a lot lately, I already know it's because I keep staying up late to post a long chapter. Here's a doodle of M/n

 Here's a doodle of M/n

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