;🎧 Chapter 9

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[3rd POV]

"Are you able to order those lights during lunch?" Ashlyn asked Aiden

"I should be, yeah." Aiden answered, currently the group was down the hall however Logan wasn't with them.

"I wonder where he is, I'm worried about him especially because of last night." M/n thought "I should try searching for him later maybe."

"Aren't your parents going to be confused when the lights arrive though?" Taylor asked

"Nah, they're on a trip right now. Probably won't be back for a few months." Aiden answered

"Ah, no wonder no one answered the door before.." M/n muttered, he went there before because he forgot his jacket there. He won't get it back either way, it's Aiden's now.

Tyler looked up his phone and scowled "I was wondering where the nerd was."

Currently Logan was cornered by someone, the someone was a person M/n once knew, Barron. M/n immediately felt rage and took a deep breath to try and calm down.

"Is he being bullied?" Ashlyn muttered, she realized something and quickly went to try and restrain m/n "Hey calm down!"

She failed to try and restrain him, it was practically hard to try and hold him back if he was angry, he was rarely angry actually.

"It's him again." Taylor muttered

"Yeah, yeah. I'm on-hey!" Tyler was quickly pushed away by M/n, who looked furious before noticing the bat in his hand, gripped so tightly it looked like it was going to snap in half. He stomped towards Barron and raised the bat, Barron looked to his left before feeling immense pain on his back.

M/n slammed the bat on Barron's back, hard enough for the bat to break in half. Barron immediately screamed in pain as he fell to the ground and teared up a bit because of the impact. No doubt he'll get a huge bruise on his back because of it.

Ashlyn quickly went to try and calm down M/n again, Tyler and Taylor looked at the chaos erupting. Logan looked horrified by what happened, Barron was still in pain. Aiden and Ben was no where to be seen, and a teacher finally came to see what happened.

The group eventually came to the office and discussed what happened, they explained the situation about what happened and sighed. They understood why M/n resulted in choosing that action however what he did was still as bad. So they just decided that M/n will not get expelled or suspended, he got out with a huge warning but he has to go detention the whole morning until lunch.

Ben and Aiden was still nowhere to be seen, they texted in the group chat that they'll see them in class but they never showed up.

"Class is nearly over, what are they doing?" Ashlyn thought while looking she looked at her phone.

"Sorry, we'll see you guys at lunch. :D" Aiden texted in the gc

"Alright, everyone turn in your assignment on your way out please!" Mr. Thomas said, Ashlyn came and gave hers "Thank yo-"

Mr. Thomas halted her movement when he noticed that Ashlyn's shadow had short hair however the Ashlyn infront of her had her hair braided. Ashlyn looked at him "..Mr. Thomas?"

Mr. Thomas immediately snapped out of it and took her homework "Oh, right! Thank you."

"Hurry up." Tyler said while looking back

"How about you shut up?" Ashlyn lightly threatened

"Did I see that right?" Mr. Thomas thought while looking at her.

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