;🎧 Chapter 12

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"It's true that the phantom's try to avoid the light. That's how we kept them away while we worked on the wall. However, the lights have turned into a neon sign pointing out that we're here." Ashlyn thought while looking at the swarm of phantoms

"This is a pain in the ass.." M/n muttered while furrowing his eyebrows

"Not only that, but light doesn't actually kill the phantoms. It seems to just make them lose whatever form they're holding onto, which is why I think they avoid it." M/n looked at the phantom's who were staring at them menacingly, he swear those things were getting smarter and smarter.

"I think we underestimated them.." M/n stated while looking at Ashlyn.

"Are we gonna able to deal with that?" Tyler asked

"I don't mean to sound confident about this but we've worked hard to set up those traps, not to mention simulating multiple plans if something ever happens. These things are looking at us like we're dead meat.." M/n clenched his fists glaring at the phantoms dead in the eye "But no fucking way I'll let them get us, we're most definitely not gonna lose to those ugly things."

The others finally stood up and went down from the wall to the graveyard. M/n got his pocket knife ready and noticed Aiden from the corner of his "Aiden no!-"

As usual he didn't listen and jumped off the bus, he sighed. "That idiot can get himself seriously hurt if he's not careful.."

"Alright, let's go over the plan one more time." Ashlyn crossed her hands

"...um-" Taylor tried getting Ashlyn's attention "Are we uh-are we sure we want to do this?"

M/n's eyes widened, I mean how could he not. They've been planning this for a month, they got every single thing ready and noe that they're ready they're suddenly having second thoughts?

"...what?" Ashlyn questioned with disbelief in her tone

"I mean-yknow, m-maybe just staying in the graveyard every night wouldn't be..so bad, right?" Taylor stated "Especially with the lights up..couldn't we just hide in here? Till the seven hours are up?"

"I-I like that idea.." Logan agreed

"Then what about college? Some day we'll move out and reset our positions again, do they really want to keep hiding for the rest of our lives?" M/n clenched his jaw before trying to calm himself down "I'll keep my thoughts to myself, I can already feel an argument escalating, someone needs to calm it down before it gets worse."

"Are you serious..?" Ashlyn questioned getting more angry, Aiden seemed to notice it too by how he covered his mouth. "And now you're saying you don't mind being trapped here for the rest of our lives? And you-why are you being so quiet?"

Tyler stated quiet not meeting Ashlyn's glance, flinching once Ashlyn mentioned that he was the one who mentioned going to Savannah in the first place.

"That was before we knew about the lights and before there was a horde of those things right outside the door!" Tyler yelled "I'm not saying we should stop trying to find a way out-just maybe not with this particular plan. We don't even really need guns anymore, right?"

"And you chose now to bring this up? Now?!" Ashlyn yelled back "After all the prepping,the training,the sneaking around placing traps,and right before we actually do something, you want to back out?"

M/n agreed with Ashlyn's point, if they back out now then they're putting all their hard work in training and prepping to waste. But he needed to calm them down because an argument in this time and moment would get them all in danger.

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