;🎧 Chapter 7

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M/n opened his eyes slightly before realizing he accidentally slept. He quickly sat up and realized that he's inside the room he slept with Tyler. He looked at Tyler who was walking because of the sudden movement.

"Was I just dreaming?.." he thought until Tyler said something

"That was a crazy nightmare.." Tyler said, hand still on M/n's waist, he pulled away before blushing

"You mean the one where we were chased by a tall dark humanoid figure?" He stated, Tyler's eyes widened

"So you're telling me that..that wasn't just a dream?" Tyler asked with a horrified look before he covered his mouth and ran into the bathroom where he saw Aiden puking in the toilet

"You t-too BLURGHHH.." Aiden puked once more, Ben was sat against a wall with drool on his mouth, probably puked too

Tyler quickly pushed Aiden away and puked too.

"Hey man I know you're in a hurry but i got here first." Aiden said with an irk mark on his face

M/n watched them with sweat dropping from his forehead, I mean he did feel dizzy..atleast he isn't alone. He already prepared a trash bag for Logan who ran to the bathroom before giving him the trash bag

"Here, you'll need this." M/n said and as if on cue, Logan puked in the trash bag...okay the sight also made him puke too-

"Okay I'm not f-BLURGHH.." He puked in the sink, he did not want to puke everytime he'll get a dream like that, was it even a dream of the others were technically in his dream too?..


"I still think we should go back to Savannah." Tyler said, taylor looked at him with a worried look

M/n looked at Ashlyn before she sighed "..alright, let's take some time to think on it again and have a group vote later tonight."

"Why not after school?" Tyler asked

"Because I have ballet class today." Ashlyn answered

"So what? Skip it." Tyler said with an annoyed tone

M/n watched as the group as they try and discuss about Savannah and the voting, honestly he doesn't know which to decide. Yes he thinks they might find some clues about what they're experiencing in Savannah but there's a chance that something bad will happen when they go there, or worse they'll die.

"We aren't going to have a 'future' if were dead!" Tyler yelled

"It's not just our future. If we drop everything to focus on fantasy-like events we can't prove, we're going to end up in a psyche ward." Ashlyn explained, he agreed with her. Many people would think they're just hallucinating or going crazy if they actually explain what they're experiencing. Just like how the other students reacted with Tyler's outburst is a perfect example.

"She's got a point, y'know. Generally we're what people would call 'crazy'." Aiden stated while spinning his finger on the side of his head

"Whatever." Tyler stood up and stomped away before stopping to go back and get Taylor.

M/n watched them as they walk away before sighing. Every single part of body felt sore and throbbing, maybe it was a bad idea being a shield for them. He has to deal with Aiden playing with his life with death. Logan getting caught by the phantoms. Taylor having her flight mode and Tyler saving her by getting almost killed. He felt like a mother Hen trying to lead her chicks out of a landmine field. Basically every step they take has a chance there's a landmine, the landmine being the phantom.

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