;🎧 Chapter 8

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Since Savannah, what happened has been recurring every night. At 12Am the sky turns red, the world becomes lifeless and mute, and the shadow like mosnters start to roam around.

Because originally ashlyn thought the sound they made were phantom noises, we decided to call the creatures-Phantoms.

They figured out a few things during the past couple weeks of this happening. For 7 hours we're stuck here. Even though time is moving here, time is stopped at 12 am in their world.

This place seems to be influenced by our world, but doesn't physically influence ours.Injuries that happen there can be felt but not shown in their world and vice-versa.

And..We always return where we left off in each world.

M/n opened his eyes to see that the phantom wasn't there infront now, however he could feel the vibrations of his growling outside.

"Duck!" Ashlyn whispered to them, all of them quickly followed suit crouching down

"Still here?" Tyler whispered

Ashlyn nodded, it was much better to not talk much in case the phantom accidentally hears them.

"What do we do?" Taylor asked in a hush tone

Ashlyn stayed silent before looking at M/n who nodded at her.

"We'll have to try and kill it." Ashlyn suggested

"How are we going to do that?" Tyler asked, seemingly having a hard time believing they can kill that thing.

"We could have Logan shoot it through the window?" Aiden suggested

"No, the gun is for emergencies only." Ashlyn stated

"This is an emergency!" Tyler said

"An emergency is a swarm or one of us is about to die." Ashlyn defended

"We don't have much bullets left, those are hard to get especially if you're not in a legal age yet. We need to try and kill it with our weapons and if it doesn't work we'll get logan as our backup." M/n explained, most of the time he was the one who helped Ashlyn sneak into her parents room to get bullets which was risky. His least favorite option was getting his face painted to look like an older man and buy bullets which is even riskier because of ID's.

M/n and Ashlyn flinched when they heard/felt the phantoms footsteps and phantom noises.

"Shh" Ashlyn shushed the others, the others looked confused. M/n touched her shoulder and pointed under the seats, she immediately knew what he meant and looked at the others "Hide under the seats."




All of them were hiding under the seats. Aiden,Ashlyn,Logan,And M/n were at the very back while Tyler,Taylor,and Ben were at the front. "If we can just quietly crawl towards the box-" Ashlyn thought while trying to crawl towards the box but her pants scraped the floor making a sound "Shit that was too loud. Did it hear-" Ashlyn looked at the back, not noticing the phantom was infront of her.

"Not good!"

The phantom spinned and prepared to strike her "Ashlyn get away!" M/n yelled, crawling out of under the seat. Ashlyn quickly turned to avoid getting scratched but the phantom managed to grab her braid and yanked it.

"Get the weapons!" Ashlyn yelled at the others before pulling the phantom and using her knee to slam it on the phantom. The phantom let go of her braid and she took that chance to crawl away from it, Logan and Aiden held her arms and yanked her up befofe the phantom could grab her once more "Gah!"

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