Chapter 15

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Nature’s Soul

Chapter 15

“I don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders. “He just pecked me on the lips. Nothing more.” I said sadly. Kylie breathed her bottom lip. Becka moved her hands in a go on motion.

“He said he had to go. Something about his trainee.” Becka and Kylie gasped.

“So he DID get another student!? Even after he quit on you!” Becka said strongly. Kylie nodded vigorously while biting her nails.

“Yeah. I was pretty shell-shocked. I mean, who would he teach after he quit on me?” Maddie looked sheepish for a moment.

“Me.” She winced out.

Becka and Kylie looked at Maddie evilly. Both girls glowered at Maddie so darkly, I felt a little bad for the poor girl. But then I remembered she practically stole my future boyfriend from me. And as cliché as that sounds, it sounded like that was what it was.

“E-e-ex-excuse me?” Becka pouted out her bottom lip and leaned back a little bit. Maddie looked down and bit her lip.

“Yeah…”She trailed off. I smiled at her.

“How can you be okay with this?!” Kylie demanded. Becka nodded her head. I shrugged my shoulders and gave Maddie a knowing look. She too looked puzzled.

“Guys, White told me he had a family emergency. Maddie must be family.” I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Kylie and Becka’s eyes widened and they quickly apologized. Maddie waved her hand dismissively.

“Aneh, I would never take my brother from you. First of all, Eww! And I’m thinking of someone else right now.” She grinned.

Suddenly Kylie was interested. “Who?” She asked. She was sitting on the edge of her seat, and her leg was bouncing up and down with anticipation.

“Yeas Maddie, who?”


“MADDIE!” We all shrieked. We jumped up to be all in her face.

“Sheesh.” She laughed. We sat back down.

“Guys, I’m not gonna tell you yet. But I’ll tell you his name in pig Latin.” She brightened at the last part and gave us a turned-to-the-side smile.

I raised an eyebrow. “Who?” Kylie burst.


“Huh?” Sufficed to say, none of us spoke or understood pig Latin. Maddie shrugged her shoulders. It took only four seconds of blank silence for the answer to dawn on us.

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