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(Smg5 POV)

It's only been a day after the whole incident and you haven't slept since and because of this the others have been giving you non stop attention and you kinds like it but your so worried that they'll find the bandages and you don't want that. You feel immense pain in your leg so you decide to try and maybe find a pharmacist or something. 

You poke your head out of the door to see if anyone was out there. You saw Boopkins and Bob, you go back into the room and change your clothes and put on your hat and your scarf before trying to sneak out.

"Hey Smg5!" Boopkins says happily while waving.

"Oh uhm...hi Boopkins..." I say nervously, waving back

"Are you feeling better?" He asks "I gotta get meggy, hold on Smg5!" Boopkins says before running off

"Wait boopkins no-!" I try to yell before he runs off. I sigh before I look around and see Bob had walked off. I take this chance and run...or atleast try too... I make it a good few feet before my legs start to hurt really bad again. I stop running and begin to limp walk to try to find the nearest pharmacy to get some meds or something to make the pain go away. I look at my phone to look at where one could be, as I'm looking I get a messages from Meggy.

Meggy: "Five where are you?"

I don't know how to respond so I just kinda....ignore it...I feel bad but I can't let them worry or know about this. I finally make to the pharmacy and talk to them about my pain and some stuff and how I get really bad nightmares and how I've been afraid to sleep. The pharmacist prescribed(?) me some medication and they are. They gave me melatonin, pain killers, and...anti depressants!? Why would I need those!? I sigh before I take them and leave.

I walk back to showgrounds and peak through the door and see some people in a group and I see them talking to boopkins, asking him questions then I realize they are looking for me. I quickly hide the bag of meds inside hat then I walk back out the door and lean against the wall hands covering my face a little

"Hey what are doing? The group is looking for you." I hear a familiar voice as I uncover my face "what was in that bag?" Smg3 asks as I blush a little bit

"Uh it was just some uh....cookies...?" I say while sweating a little

Smg3 doesn't not look convinced in the slightest bit 

"You're a really bad liar" he says with a smirk across his lips. I cross my arms as I look away.

"Fine! It's just some uh...stuff..ok?" I say with some more blush

"Mhm..." Smg3 says with and eyebrow lifted  "whateves heh..you should probably get back to the others, they seem to be really worried." Smg3 says

"Yeah...I probably should.." I say before opening the door and everyone looks at me

"I'm back! Heh.." I say as I walk into the castle more. Everyone runs towards me asking a lot of questions again and stuff  "ack hey I'm fine! I'm fine..." I say as everyone backs off  "I just wanted a cookie from the bakery..." I lie

"How come you didn't tell any of us! You're clearly still in bad shape man!" Smg4 says in a worried manner

"Sorry..." I say while looking down  

"It's okay just...just tell us next time." Smg4 says back away a little

My legs and arms start to itch so I scratch them unknowingly, I scratch it kinda hard and it starts to bleed again. I begin to feel it bleed again so I excuse myself to the bathroom and unwrap my arm and see it's really bad again so I grab the pills and take them as instructed and the pain is there but it's very tolerable and I groan as I take the stupid anti depressants and I decided to take the melatonin later...I put some anti bionics all over my cuts and i hiss in pain as I wrap my arm again. I sigh as I start to feel better again. I walk out of the bathroom and cover my arms again.

"Kinda hungry.." I whispered to myself before walking to the kitchen just to see Mario naked dancing in spaghetti...yeah...this is normal...I walk towards the cabinet and grab some chips and open the bag I stare at the chips before losing my appetite and frown a little.

"Hey Mario do you want-" Before I finish Mario inhaled the whole fucking bag. Yes even the plastic. I chuckle as I wash my hand off and walk away. I begin to walk into smg4s room (well... both of our rooms temporarily...) I walk in a see smg4 editing a video so I think maybe I should leave him alone..? ....I walk into the room and sit down on the bed..smg4 looks back at me

"Oh hey Five! you good..?" He asks

"Huh? Oh um..yeah I'm fine, just lost my appetite is all." I saw with a chuckle but four frowns

"Really? I swear I never see you eat! The only time I did was when I gave you that soup, even then you only eat life half..five you're not starving yourself are you..?" Four asks with seriousness 

"What? No I just...lost my appetite as soon as I want to eat.." I say while looking downward fidgeting with my hair.

"Listen if they is anything you want to talk to me about you can. I will not judge you five." Four says before putting his hand on my shoulder. I blush before I smile and chuckle before stopping and covering my mouth because of my ugly gap in my front teeth. Four looks confused before asking me to move my hand. I do but now instead of a smile it's a frown. 

"Five why did you cover your mouth? I think your smile is very handsome..please don't cover yourself like that.." We both blush as Four backs up slowly

"I uh...t-thank you.." I say before smiling again but I don't cover my mouth this time.

Time skip to nighttime :)

(Fours POV)

I yawn as I finish editing my video. I look at the clock and see it's 3:02 am. I yawn again as I turn off my computer and looks at five I smile before I notice a white bandage across his leg I wonder why until i remember what happened a couple of days ago. I then see an orange pill bottle. I know it's wrong to intrude but I grab the bottle and it's labeled 'melatonin'. Know I know why he was able to sleep pretty well tonight. I try to hold back but I ended up looking some more and found 2 other pill bottles labeled 'painkillers' and...'anti depressants'? I immediately put them back before I back away and frown at five..I know he's gone through so much and how fragile he is...I start to tear up before wiping my eyes then getting up and grabbing my phone and dialing someone.

AYYAAYA I GOT IT DONE THE NEXT DAY! YAYA anyways thanks for reading! And I might start putting pictures of what the characters look like :) I might make another story if I rlly wanna but I might not :3 anyways peace out ✌️ 

(Words: 1220)

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