Who are you?

85 2 7

I wake up to Four snoring loudly. I don't mind much, I kiss his cheek and I look over at three he's still sleeping so I kiss his cheek. I feel hands cup my cheeks and three was awake.

"Couldn't get enough?"

I blush as three leans in and kisses me. I close my eyes, kiss back and smile. We stop and I'm out of breath

"Oh my goodness..." I say with a blush

I three chuckles while holding me. Then I hear my doorbell. I groan as I get up with three (as four is still sleeping) I open the door but nobody's there? I see a note with a heart sticker on it.

"Three do you know what this is?" I say looking at him showing him the note, we leans down and glances at it.

"I dunno open it"

"Ok" I say as I open the note and my smell was blasted with the smell of a strong perfume. I cough as I look at the note

Dear Smg5, 

I hope this note reaches you! I've been watching you and I find you so adorable and admirable...you're so bad when you need to! I love you!


I cringe at the note a little then get a scared. Watching me? Oh jeez...I look back at three and he looks upset before taking the note.

"Who the fuck is Ann?"

"I don't know? Uhhhhh maybe a stalker...?"

"That's even worse.."

I close the door and throw the note away.

"You have such fluffy hair in the morning Five" three says as he puts his hand on my head and I frown.

"Where's my dog when I need him..." I growl

Three laughs before picking me up

"Stop doing that!!!" I yell as I struggle and squirm.

"Nope" three says while walking towards the couch

I groan as I give up.

"You know I get my cast off today right?"

Three nods

"I can't believe it's been 2 months already!" I say with a happy smile "hey three,"


"Want to get ice cream when Four wakes up?"

"Hm..I guess"

I smile

"I'm bored" I say slouching into the couch

"Do you want to wake that big idiot up?"

With a devious smile "yes"

Me and three sneak up the stairs and go into my bedroom. We still see four sleeping and snoring. So we snuck up and started to tickle him. His eyes shot open before laughing hysterically.

"AHHHAAA STOP! STOP- HAHAAAH" Four yells while laughing. We still tickle him.

After tickling four to death we get dressed and then we go to the hospital to get my cast off and this dumb eyepatch. We walk into the hospital and walk in.

"Hello what may I do for you?" The receptionist asks in a sweet voice

"I'm here to get these removed" I say pointing to my patch and my arm

I think we like you..? (Smg4 and Smg3 X !Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now