Spilled milk

106 3 8

Today has been so terrible. People are begin to annoying today...first Mario ate all my food...I mean I shouldn't be surprised but still! Saiko stepped on my foot with her new steel toe boots- that hurt like hell. Now it's raining and I forgot my umbrella. I groan as I head into the store, soaking wet. I walk around to look for some stuff for Cis (the dog) and some more food. I smile as I find (f/f or f/s) I grab a few before finding some dog food and some more toys for him.

I finish up before I head to the counter and talk to the little woman before paying for all my stuff and walking out. I walk along the wet sidewalk as it's still pouring. I continue to walk before I slip an stumble into another man. I drop my bag as the milk carton bursts open and gets on the man's shoes.

"Fuck! I'm so so sor-" I immediately apologize

"Look what you did! You ruined my fucken shoes!" The man says while glaring at me

"Again I-Im sorry I was just slippery and-"

"Shut up you ain't sorry for nothin."

"I...I am tho?"

"Shut up before I make you have contact with the ground you street rat. Did you even pay for your stuff."

"Ok enough with the racist comments...and why are you so angry it's just a little bit of-"

I yelp as I clutch my nose as blood trickles down. He punched me, that basterd punched me. So I get up.

"Ok what the fuck is your problem! I just slipped I can't control that! You did need to- to punch me!"

The man grabs my scarf and lifts me up but the scarf unravels and I fall a little before he grabs me again.

"Listen here, I don't care if you slipped or whatever. You ruined my shoes so you payed the price. And now you will pay for my new shoes."

"What! What's crazy! Your begin crazy! I'm not buying you new shoes!"

The man grunts before my punches my stomach knocking the wind out of me. 

"Fuck! Ow..s-stop!" I try to pry his hands off and get away.

"Pay for my shoes then I'll let you go."

"I don't have that kind of money! Just let me go!" 

Even if I'm tall he's still taller than me and able to lift me off the ground.

"I don't care! You will pay for my shoes!"

"You're begin irrational! It's just shoes!"

I yelp again as me punches my face again and I sob as I cry to just get away.

"I spent the rest of my money! Please just let me go!"

"Oh? It that so? Then I'll get take this..and this.."

He grabs both my scarf and my groceries and throws me to the ground. My eyes widen as I act without thinking and I push the man to get my stuff back...oh big mistake

I lay there shivering and sobbing as I cover my face from the man's blows aiming at my face and stomach..a little later he finally backs off and walks away leaving the groceries but takes my scarf idk. I lay there in to much pain to move. I just wanted to go home and eat...my dog...I want them...wait.. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone shakily as it's cracked a little bit from the throw...I shakily press a button idk who and listen to the ringing..

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