Moving out

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(Fives POV)

I wake up in fours room covered in a warm. I look around and see the time and it's 6:01 then I look over and see four sleeping peacefully in his bed. I feel dizzy and I feel nauseous and realize I haven't had my pills today- shit. I start to hear things and hallucinate a little bit. I think I'm getting worse but what am I-? 


Without warning I throw up again on the floor and I panic as four will probably be so mad at me. I look around and rush to find a towel to clean this up. I quickly scrub the ground trying to clean it up. I scrub really hard and I manage to clean it up but it leaves a blue stain and I panic as he'll be made that I stained his floor. I feel like I have to throw up again but nothing comes out. I sweat a little before rummaging through my hat to look for my pills. I find my medicine and swallow them without seeing how many I took. I forget about it as my vision clears and I feel better.

I sigh at the blue stain thinking of a lie to tell Smg4 so he's not mad. I then remember my journal and so I grab it and begin doodling. I think about if I had a house what would it look like. I smile as I get lost in my journal. I doodle little pictures of me four and three playing in the pool then I slowly remember yesterday....the woman...she called me a panda...i-I choked her...I then look at my wrist and see it's bruised from me. Tears drip down my face as I feel like I'm a monster. I don't want to hurt maybe I just need to leave.

I grab my legs before i think about all the horrible things I did..why did I hurt that woman...infront of a child too!? I'm such a monster..

I look at four and look back at the ground. I sigh before I get up and grab my phone and other things as I don't have much. I put it in my hand before and take one last glance at smg4 and think this is for the better...

I'm walking down the street with some money in my pocket. I frown as I look around and see a small little store so I enter and I'm thankful it's open around this time. With the little bit of money I have, i buy drinks and some food if I'm ever hungry. I then leave the store with still a little bit of money and I grab my journal again and see the house I drew then remember that note that said I had some power? So I go out to and empty spot and hold out my hand looking at my journal before I close my eyes and begin to do something? I open my eyes and see a house it looked like the one I drew like identical. Maybe I can spawn things? Huh cool. I open the door and look around and it's empty of smile a little before sitting on the floor cuz it's empty- 

(Smg4 pov)

I wake up and glance over at five then a double then third glace. He's gone. Again. For a second time. I think he's probably in the bathroom taking his pill so I wait in my chair as I work on a video an hour goes by and I get worried. I walk towards the bathroom and knock.

I think we like you..? (Smg4 and Smg3 X !Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now