Phone call

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(Smg4 pov)

I quickly dial up Smg3 and hopes that he answers.

"Hello..?" Three says in a quiet and annoyed tone.

"Three! I'm really worried for five!" I speak in a quick, whisper-yell

"Really? You called me at 3:00 am for this...?" Smg3 asks in the still annoyed tone but with a little bit of worry


"I know, I know...i may have snooped a little...and I found three pill bottles one was melatonin another was pain killers and the last one was anti depressants...I'm worried he MIGHT be hurting himself but I'm not sure..." I tell three whispering and making sure five was sleeping during this.

"Four! First why did you snoop- second why would you make this accusation?! Sure he's going through a lot but hurting himself? Really?" Three asks Four a little mad that he invaded fives stuff

"Please I know I know! I just...I really like him and I want to make sure he's ok.." I say with blush across my face "I just want him to be better...I think me might be struggling with eating too and it's scaring me.." I say in a hushed tone and I hold my head in my arm

"We could try and take him out tomorrow like a little hangout maybe? I don't know..I'm not good with this stuff.."

I think about what three said before I get an idea

"Yes! We could take him a park that opened up a couple weeks ago!" I in a hushed but happy tone "I feel getting him out will help him get more comfortable and maybe start taking better care of himself?" 


Anyways two chapters in one night? was a short chapter but the next one WILL be longer I promise guys ❤️

(Words: 286)

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