Scattered glass

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You wake up in a cold sweat as you look around and you see your in Fours room and four lays there sleeping peacefully. I small smile forms on your lips at you look at the time...2:31 am? You sigh as you sit up. It's been a week since you first appeared in this wacky world...and every time you see Four or Three you just blush. You shake your head as you walk towards the bathroom. You make it to the bathroom as you look at yourself in the now see better details as you've never really looked at yourself. You see you have dark brown hair and fluffy/kinda curly+ish while you have vitiligo not too bad but it's on your hands mostly a little bit on your chest a left thigh.

You smile as you see you also have a bit of a gap between your two front teeth. You kinda stop smiling as you think it looks weird or ugly. You sigh as you walk out of the bathroom and walk into the kitchen to get a snack or drink. You end up getting some water before heading back you smg4's room but as you do your legs give out and you fall over, dropping the cup and shattering it. While shaking you don't know what's happening. Everything hurts, what's going pass out from the pain while the water spread along the floor while you lay there with cuts and bruises again.


(Smg4 Pov)

I wake up to a scream. I immediately get up and looks around and see some people gathering around something or someone. I see Tari with her hands over her mouth while meggy consoles her. I walk up and I see Smg5 laying on the ground. With scattered glass everywhere.

"What the hell happened to him!" I say with obvious concern while carefully making it to Five

"We don't know we just..found him here, Unconscious.." Meggy says with sadness in her tone.

"Mh...what..what happened?" Smg5 wakes up!

"Oh my god! Five...are..are you- what am I saying of course you're not fine!" I crouch down and help Five up as Fives legs wobbles

"Dude what happened? Why were you just here passed out with cuts and bruises!?" Meggy asks

I look back at Five who seems uncomfortable with the questions. Oh this poor guy...I walk up to five and give him a soft hug as not to hurt him

"Please let me help you five.." I say with a pleading tone just then the main door opens

"What's going on? I've been getting spammed by the group chat." Smg3 asks clearly annoyed and grumpy then he sees the bad shape Five is in. He walks over

"Holy hell, what happened to him..?" Three asks a bit concerned

"We still don't know..." I say still holding on to Five

"OoooOOOoo looks like someone has a crushy crushy~" Mario says while looking at Three and Four with his cross sided eyes and his huge mustache

I blush as the shoot a glare at Mario before turn back to five. Oh...what happened to you...

"Ngh..." five groans as he sits up before holding his head

"Five what happed to you!? Do you know why you were laying on the floor?" I ask with a bunch of concern

"What...? What do you..." Five asks before his eyes widen as he runs towards the bathroom. I look at the door in shock before turning back to the others

"Jeez what's wrong with him?" Smg3 asks before walking to the bathroom

"Wait Smg3 maybe we should give Five some space! He just woke up and he looked really-" meggy says before getting cut off

"fine, sorry for being worried." Three says with sarcasm while putting his hands up to his shoulders and rolling his eyes.

(Fives POV)

Why can't I stop throwing hurts..tears prick into the corners of my eyes. I sit in my knees before I open my eyes again..what..why is it...why is it Blue?

I start to freak out. Am I dying?! I begin to break down again my vision blurring with tears as I hold myself. I feel all the scars and see the little tiny pieces of glass stuck into my legs. I try to pluck them out but to no avail. Blood starts to drip out and it's so painful. I see the cuts alone my forearm and I see that the glass did it as well. I cover my face with my hands as I look up at the bathroom counter thing and I see tweezers sitting there without hesitation I snatch them and stare at the little glass shards then the tweezers. I pull them out. Shard by Shard. There's a lot of blood, and so painful...

I wrap up my legs as it bleeds...a lot but I cover it with bandages and gauze before standing and I realized that I'd be asked about it so I put in some sweatpants at cover it. I wash up my face before walking out of the bathroom to see everybody sitting around the table playing a board game. I tilt my head before checking my phone. 10:58!? I look  around before making my way over to the table.

"Hey...what are you...playing?" I ask them as they look back at me with shock

They get up and begin to check on me. Please don't find the bandages. As Four was looking at my arm he begins to lift up the sleeve just a little bit before I cover it with my hand

"Hey! What are you doing." I say with a bit of a scared but stern tone as I hold my arms close to me

"We just want to make sure your okay..." The little green fish says with concern


I'm fine.

YIPPEEEE ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE! why is five so emo depressed :( sorry it was short lol but I might not be able to make one tmmr.... But I'll try my best it one out before the end of this week! Thanks for reading this lovely story :)

(987 Words)

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