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Three and four have no idea what to do.

"What if we just keep him like this?"

"Smg3 no! He's our partner!"

I just lay on threes shoulder flicking my tail.

I jump off of threes shoulder and trot towards the couch and lay there as they talk about what they are going to do. I look at my cat body a little before jumping off the couch and back ove to three and four.

"Maybe we can just...take him to the show grounds?"

"That is....the best idea!!"

My pupils shrink as they look at me. I slip across the floor and run away like I'm some cartoon character. They chase after me and i run and I'm fast because I'm a cat ofc. After 1 hour of chasing me they finally catch me and hold me tight as I continue to struggle, trying to escape.

"Jeez! They are your friends too! Why are you-....being.....tricky!"

I finally stop as I become tired. Four sighs with relief. I he still holds me as we get into the car and three drives so four can keep a hold of me. We finally make it over to the show grounds and try to struggle away again but he keeps a hold of me. They open the door and see some people are hanging out in the living room. They look over to the door and see Four and Three and four holding....a cat?

They all run over awwing over five cat and I don't like all the pets and pats. My ears pin down to my head and I growl. They all look and back away a little.

"Uhm. Smg4 where did you find this cat?" Tari asks

"Wellll....technically Five found it but uh..." four says "then the cat-"

Three covers his mouth

"Then five left us to pet sit his cat! He had to go to for his dog.." three lies

"Oh okay that makes sense" Tari says with a smile "do you think the cat would like a little ducky toy?"

I sit there frowning with an angry look

"Uhm...probably not.." four says looking at my face.

"Why don't you put the little cat down?" Meggy asks

"Oh he'll run away" Three says

"Oh.." Meggy say's understanding

I then feel Fours grip loosen a little and I take this chance to dash away. I successfully get out of his hands. Why do I want to leave his hand? Because I want to play, it's them cat instincts. I dash away into the kitchen and hide under the fridge and smile deviously.

"Oh crap..." Four says

They chase me and look for me for about an hour or so, I was having a blast! Until Three caught me..

I wriggle and meow as he's holding me kinda tight and it hurts a little. I whimper as I still try to get away.


I slowly stop as I look up and see an annoyed look on his face.

"I'm tired of chasing you."

I frown, I thought they were having fun? I just stop as he keeps his grip on me. He walks back to the living room thing and tells everyone that he found me. He puts me on the ground and everyone yells because they think I'm gonna run away but no I just lay there on the ground, sad. Everyone looked confused but glad nonetheless. I continue to just lay there sad the rest of the time we were there and every time someone moved me I'd stay in that spot until I was moved again.

Four finally noticed that I wasn't moving much. He comes over and picks me up and sees that its limp...he notices that the cats body wasn't breathing anymore...

(TW Vomiting)

I wake up in a stupid void again but nothing speaks, nothing happens. I float around in the void until I see a's mine? I look at the body before I reach out and touch then I wake up in my bed at my house? What the fuck is going on. I feel sick again and I throw up blue again...I groan as I lay back onto my bed. Thank go there was a trash can there...I hear Cis running to my room. He jumps up onto my bed and snuggles with me. I grab my notebook thing and write in it again.

Something happened today..I was a cat? I dunno why but then I felt sad and dizzy before I went back to the same void (I think) I went to when I died and I'm still throwing up blue vomit...I don't know why's worrying me..I think I'm dying again..but anyways something is wrong with three he's been acting...rude? Well I know he's rude but..this is different..

I frown before I remember Three and Four. I pull out my phone and text them to come to my house.

After awhile I hear my door open and I hear four calling my name.

"I'm in my room!"

They enter my bedroom and four runs up and hugs me.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I missed you I thought-!"

I stop him by giving him a kiss on the cheek and he blushes and try to kiss three but he backs away. I feel a little heartbroken but I get back onto my bed.

"I wish I could stay five but I have to edit some videos and take care of some stuff at the castle sorry.." four says before kissing my forehead

"Three you coming?"

"Yeah just wait for me I need to talk with five for a moment." Three says. Four nods and walks outside and goes into his car and waits

I smile at three and he turns and glares at me.

"What's your problem three-"


I flinch as he yells and curses at me and I feel tears prickling in my eyes

"Oh look, now you're crying trying to make me feel bad. Well news fucking flash. You're a stupid pathetic idiot. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Block my number."

"W-...what are you doing this for? Over some stupid reason I can't help!? I can't...I can't control this stupid shit! Don't you think I'm trying? I've been trying to help myself and take care of myself better for you and Fours sake. And...and now the only thing keeping me going is slipping away from me. I'm sorry I'm not better."

"You should be sorry. Don't contact me."

"What...did I do wrong..? It's my fault I got kidnapped? It's my fault that I fucking died? It's just my fault now is it?"


" are so fucking leave."

"Ok bye or whatever"

As soon at three leaves I start to hyperventilate and  my vision starts blurry as I start to cry. Cis notices this and immediately begins to rub his nose against my hand and licks my face. 

"I'm....not good I Cis? Why does.....why does he hate me? What...what did I..."

I can't even finish my sentence before I start to sob and I hug Cis...

Good...good..step one is done. Now for step two...

WOOHOO!! THE FIRST REAL CHAPTER AFTER MY BREAK! and yes I will be writing daily again! Thank you all for sticking around and not making a fuss about it...thanks for reading and have a good day 🙂 also I made a mistake TODAY is my birthday on May 9th is my birthday not May 6th mb 🎊 sorry 😔 anyways love y'all!!!

(Words 1324)

I think we like you..? (Smg4 and Smg3 X !Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now