Chapter : 38

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Loren's Pov

The night outside was crisp and clear, stars glittering like a spilled jar of glitter against the black sky. Inside, the lingering vibes of Christmas were still hanging in the air, all cinnamon and pine, with a hint of woodsmoke from the hearth. 

The Christmas tree in the corner still had its lights on, flickering gently, keeping the holiday spirit alive just a bit longer.

I was nestled in an old, comfortable armchair, the kind that hugs you back just right. The book in my hands was a well-worn copy of a favorite novel, but my attention was only half on the words.

Instead, I kept stealing glances at Zayn, who was stretched out on the sofa across the room, laptop open and headphones on, lost in whatever he was watching.

The changes in him over the past few days were subtle but profound. There was a lightness to his movements, a brightness in his eyes that had been missing when he first moved in. 

It wasn't all perfect—he still had moments of retreat, where his gaze would turn inward and his face would cloud over with a shadow of sadness where he’d zone out, especially when his phone buzzed with another call or text that he’d just let go.

I knew the drill: those calls started off as back-to-back chats with Edward, his boyfriend, ranging from quick check-ins to hours-long talks. 

But lately, Zayn had been ignoring them, letting the phone just buzz itself into silence. Each ignored call seemed to both relieve and burden him more.

And the nights were the worst. Sometimes, from my room, I’d hear him crying. It killed me to hear him so upset. Those nights fueled my resolve to do anything to make him happier.

Lying in bed last night, I finally admitted to myself that I was totally in love with him. 

Not just a little crush, but full-on, deep-in-my-bones love. I wanted to tell him, to see if maybe he felt the same way.

But for now, I contented myself with the small joys of the evening—his laughter, the shared glances when something amusing happened on-screen, the comfortable silence enveloping us like a warm blanket. 

Tomorrow, I would lay my heart bare. Tonight, I was simply grateful for his presence, for the laughter and the unspoken understanding between us.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight, I wondered about the right words, the right moment to tell him. I practiced lines in my head, each one sounding clumsier than the last. 

But the certainty that this was right, that it was time, never wavered. Tomorrow, I would tell Zayn how I felt, stepping into the new year with my heart open, ready for whatever it might bring.


I nervously chewed on my lip as I swirled the hot cocoa in the glass, making sure it was all mixed up nicely. Balancing the mug carefully, I made my way over to where Zayn was lounging on the sofa, his eyes glued to the blank TV screen and his laptop long gone. The soft glow from the lamp cast a cozy vibe over the room, but Zayn seemed totally zoned out.

Setting the cocoa down on the table, I stood in front of him, clearing my throat to get his attention. He blinked, tearing his gaze away from the TV, and flashed me a half-smile as he eyed the drink.

"This TV's not broken," I teased, trying to lighten the mood. "You can actually watch stuff on it like human, you know? It's not just for decoration."

Zayn chuckled softly, his smile growing. He reached for the mug, taking a sip of the cocoa. "Thanks, this is hitting the spot," he said, appreciation evident in his tone.

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