Chapter : 22

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Loren's Pov


Perched delicately on the stool chair, I could feel the soft fabric beneath me, a contrast to the anticipation that prickled my skin. 

My team moved with a choreographed precision, arranging flowers like skilled artists crafting a masterpiece.

Their movements seemed synchronized, creating an enchanting backdrop for the photo session that was about to unfold.

Zayn, our maestro of photography, had already positioned himself, camera in hand, ready to capture the essence of the moment. 

His voice, a melodic guide, cut through the bustling ambiance as he directed me with a mix of professionalism and ease.

"Turn slightly to your left, Loren. Chin up, just a tad," Zayn's instructions were both gentle and commanding, pulling me back from the edge of my wandering thoughts.

I nodded absentmindedly, my mind elsewhere as I found myself captivated by Zayn's every word and movement.

It wasn't just infatuation; it was something deeper, an unspoken longing that had been growing within me.

Lost in contemplation, I couldn't help but let my gaze linger on Zayn's beauty, absorbing every detail like an artist studying a masterpiece. 

If anyone assumed it was mere infatuation, they'd only be scratching the surface. It was more than that — it was an ocean of emotions, a love that swirled within me like a tempest.

Lost in the dance of thoughts, I allowed my eyes to trace the contours of Zayn's features, each line and expression etching itself into the canvas of my memory.

The desire I felt was more than a passing fancy; it was a torrent of emotions, a love that I struggled to articulate.

With every pose Zayn suggested, my mind wandered further into a realm of daydreams. I envisioned moments where I could be close to him, aching to experience the intimacy that transcended friendship. 

A faint smile played on my lips, reminiscing about the first time I laid eyes on Zayn. It's been two months since the universe conspired to bring us together during a Harry Styles concert.


I remembered about that magical night in the concert, the atmosphere was charged with excitement and energy.

The stage was alive with pulsating lights and the crowd buzzed with anticipation. My friend and I were immersed in the rhythmic beats, losing ourselves in the music.

The sky above erupted into a spectacular display of fireworks, casting a mesmerizing glow over the entire venue. It was a sensory overload, a feast for the eyes and ears.

Amid the euphoria, a sudden, firm grip enveloped my hand. Startled, I turned to my side, trying to make sense of the unexpected warm touch.

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