Chapter : 35

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I stood at a distance, observing Harry and Jeff engrossed in what appeared to be a heated conversation near the door.

They seemed so focused, their voices low and intense, that I felt like a bystander in my own home. 

I couldn't make out what they were discussing or why Jeff was even here. Did he know about Harry and me? The mere thought made me roll my eyes. 

Of course, he must know.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be here. And if Harry had invited Jeff over, he would have surely found a way to get me out of the house to keep our relationship hidden.

Frustration and confusion welled up inside me. I felt like I was being kept in the dark, a pawn in some elaborate game. 

"You guys keep talking. I'm out," I announced, my voice tinged with annoyance.

As I turned to walk away, I heard hurried footsteps behind me. Harry caught up and reached for my hand, but I pulled away sharply, my patience wearing thin. 

"I told you not to touch me,"I told you not to touch me," my tone sharp and edgy.

Harry looked hurt, his eyes pleading for understanding, but before he could say anything, Jeff butted in, stepping closer. 

"Now, Mr. Malik, this is not the way to speak to your husband, especially Mr. Harry Styles."

His words grated on my nerves. Who did he think he was, giving me advice on how to handle my relationship?

I took a step toward him, my demeanor cold and calculated. 

"Listen, buddy, don't presume to tell me how to talk to my husband. Our relationship is between Harry and me. Your opinion is not needed," I stated firmly, staring him down.

I could see the surprise in Jeff's eyes, but he quickly regained his composure, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I understand, Mr. Malik," he said, stepping back.

My eyes narrowed at Jeff's smug expression. I could feel the anger rising, itching to give him a piece of my mind.

But before I could say anything, Harry stepped between us, putting a shaky hand on my chest. 

"Hey, Z, chill out," he whispered, gently pushing me back.

I took a step back, my gaze never leaving Jeff. He adjusted his collar nonchalantly, his demeanor irritating me even more.

"Why get all worked up? Let's just talk, man," Jeff said, his tone mocking.

I scoffed at his words. "So, what's the deal with you showing up here?" I demanded, my voice laced with frustration.

Jeff glanced at Harry, silently communicating with him. Harry shook his head, indicating he wasn't going to explain. 

This only fueled my irritation.

"Seriously, Harry, can you just fucking tell me why your manager is at our place?" I prodded, my patience wearing thin.

Harry looked at me, startled. "Z, I'll explain everything. Just sit down, okay?" he said, trying to sound soothing.

I shook my head, not ready to back down. "No way. Just spill it before I kick him out," I retorted, shooting a glare at Jeff.

Jeff, completely unfazed by my hostility, casually dragged a dining chair over and plopped down on it like he owned the place. 

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