Chapter : 14

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I stared at Harry, my heart heavy with the weight of his accusation. Harry's anger was a storm brewing, and I could feel it intensifying with every passing moment. I watched as he clenched the bottom of his jumper, his frustration evident.

My throat felt dry as I tried to explain, "I know you must be feeling upset, but I was about to tell you this, and I only joined the new job yesterday."

Harry slowly rose from the sofa, his anger etching lines on his face. He said with a low, tense voice, "You are leaving the job."

Confusion and anxiety gnawed at me, and I asked, "What are you saying?"

Harry shrugged and removed the hairclip from his hair, tossing it aside with frustration.

His response was biting, "Whatever you heard."

I closed my eyes briefly, taking a deep breath, and pleaded, "Harry, sit down, and let's have a talk."

But Harry shook his head, his bitterness palpable as he tied his hair into a bun, "There is no ‘talk.’ You decided everything by yourself. You left me and got a new job with, God knows who."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to steady my thoughts and calm my racing heart. I needed Harry to understand, to see that I wasn't abandoning him. 

I took a deep breath and said, "I am not leaving you. I am just going to work with Loren, and you know him."

Harry shook his head, his expression unyielding. He reached for the CD on the coffee table, and with a cold yet calm demeanor, he flung it into the living room. 

His voice was laced with bitterness as he retorted, "He is just a model from Korea. Nothing less, nothing more."

I couldn't contain my frustration any longer. I stood up and paced the living room, picking up the CD that Harry had thrown. 

I urged, "Harry, sit down and stop throwing things."

His voice grew louder as he challenged me, "Or what? You going to slap me? Beat me?"

Annoyance flashed across my face as I met Harry's eyes, and I snapped, "Are you out of your fucking mind?"

Harry's voice cracked as he finally let out his pent-up anger, screaming, "Yes! Because my own husband is leaving me for someone else."

I swallowed hard, my frustration building. I knew I had to make Harry see reason, but it was proving to be an uphill battle.


I looked at Harry with disbelief, torn between wanting to laugh at the absurdity of the situation and feeling the urge to cry at the pain in his eyes. 

I took a moment to compose myself and then implored, "Harry, babe, take a deep breath and think before you say anything."

Harry, still visibly agitated, roughly fisted his jumper and accused, "I know what I'm saying. You're just taking revenge on me because I replaced you and put Tim as my photographer."

My patience had worn thin, and I snapped back, "Harry, enough! What revenge are you talking about? We're husbands. I will support you in what's best for you."

In a fit of frustration, Harry grabbed a nearby sofa pillow and hurled it at me, screaming, 

"Then why are you leaving me? No matter how hard I try to make you happy so you can be by my side, all you do is break my heart and leave me for someone else. First, you left me because of your stupid girlfriends, and then I had to fight to keep you from the stupid girls your parents arranged for you, and now I'll lose you to Loren."

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