Chapter : 26

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Harry's outfit


It was around 11 am, and I found myself seated on the bed, clad in my comfortable black joggers co-ord set, glasses perched on my nose.

My laptop rested on my lap, occupied with the task of editing the photoshoot pictures of Loren.

A soft smile played on my lips as thoughts of him filled my mind. A person who embodied a delightful blend of humor, love ability, and an unwavering commitment exuded confidence and dedication in his pursuit of a modeling career.

I couldn't shake the guilt of not having gifted him anything for his birthday.

Lost in my contemplation, my attention shifted from the images on the laptop screen to the entrance of the room.

Harry, with an air of confidence that only he could carry, entered while engaged in a phone conversation. His attire spoke volumes about his impeccable fashion sense - a Gucci black and white striped jacket adorned his frame, complemented by a snug grey hoodie beneath.

The ensemble seamlessly blended with his figure-hugging black skinny jeans, and the iconic YSL boots added the finishing touch.

As Harry paced through the room, the natural light caught his shoulder-length hair, which fell gracefully around his face.

A pair of Ray-Bans served as a crown, holding back the curls and offering a glimpse of his flushed cheeks and rosy lips, emphasizing the mesmerizing green of his eyes.

In that moment, Harry resembled a distant star, captivating and untouchable, yet drawing me in with an irresistible allure.

Despite the magnetic pull of Harry's presence, I returned my focus to the task at hand.


My fingers danced across the keyboard, eyes fixed on the laptop screen, absorbing every detail of Harry's conversation.

"Yes, Jeff, I know we have less time," he paced around the room, a hint of urgency in his voice.

My brows furrowed as I pressed the keys harder, pondering who this Jeff was.

Harry's voice continued, "You can schedule the meeting tomorrow and shift all my remaining interviews after the launch. I'll do the interviews post-launch." The air in the room felt charged with anticipation.

"I'll be there in an hour," Harry declared, and a sigh followed. I sensed the call's conclusion without lifting my gaze from the screen.

Moments later, with my ears attuned to every nuance, I sensed the shift in atmosphere as Harry gradually made his way toward me.

The room seemed to hold its breath as anticipation hung in the air, my eyes still fixated on the laptop screen.

Goosebumps prickled my skin, and I closed my eyes instinctively as the weight of his body settled onto my lap, and a mischievous murmur teased my ear.

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