Chapter : 21

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I stood up abruptly, my heart racing as I called out, "Harry?" 

Concern etched across my face as he struggled to speak. Without a second thought, I dashed to my room, swiftly unzipping my work bag and retrieving my laptop.  

Settling on the bed, I tried to reassure him, "Harry, it's okay. I'm here."

"Open your laptop; we'll Skype," I urged, my fingers moving swiftly over the keys. The soft glow of the screen reflected the tension in the room. 

Harry sniffled, hesitating. "No, I look terrible," 

I rolled my eyes, adopting a stern tone, "Harry, just do it." 

He broke into tears again, "Stop being rude. I am too weak to get up." 

I couldn't help but fondly smile at my dorky husband. "Weak or just don't want to show your snotty face to me?" 

He sniffed and let out a wet chuckle as he responded, "Zayn, I feel guilty. I really want to talk about the messy situation between us." 

I shifted on the couch, a twinge of unease settling in. "What's on your mind?"

There's a pause, and Harry's voice sounds heavy with regret. "I... I feel like I should've supported you more that night when your sister was giving you a hard time. I'm sorry, Zayn." 

I take a deep breath, trying to reassure him. "It's okay, Harry. We've all got our battles. Besides, that's in the past."

"No, it's not okay. I should've been there for you. But you know I just can't make her or Zoya upset from me. I really don't want any other family members of yours hating on me."

I glance away, emotions stirring within. "Harry, really, it's fine. Let's focus on the positive things happening now, like your new brand." I let out a sarcastic chuckle.

Harry lets out a sigh, burdened by his confession. "That's the thing, Zayn. I kept it from you because I thought you might not be interested in makeup."

My brows furrow, a sense of hurt creeping in.

"Harry, you should've told me. It's not about the makeup; it's about us supporting each other." 

"I know, and I'm sorry. I messed up."

I nod, contemplating the situation. "I just wish you would've trusted me enough to share it with me. I don't want secrets between us."

"I understand, Zayn. I should've communicated better. I'm truly sorry and I promise I will keep you updated on my brands."

There's a heavy pause as I wrestle with my emotions. "I appreciate the apology, but right now, I need some time. I don't want to know about the brand anymore."

Harry's voice trembles as he responds. "Zayn, please..."

I interrupt, firm but gentle. "It's not about this whole brand situation, Harry. It's about honesty and support. Let's give each other some space for now."

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