Chapter : 31

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Harry's outfit & Pleasing store


I glanced at the wall clock, realizing it was already three in the evening. Despite the late hour, the December weather outside mirrored the morning's beauty and the night's chill.

Harry lounged against the couch's armrest, engrossed in a phone call. Perched at the opposite end, I sat with a cushion on my lap as his feet rested comfortably upon it.

With a delicate touch, I began to paint his toes, each stroke a rhythmic dance between the brush and his nails. The vibrant yellow hue added a splash of color to the white winter atmosphere.

A smile crept onto my face as I reminisced about how this routine echoed our earlier days back when me and Harry was just dating each other and It warmed my heart to witness the gradual improvement in our marriage, especially after the recent fights or discussions about Loren and our commitment to better communication had cast a positive light on our relationship.

In the past few days, Harry had been more present at home, making an effort to spend quality time with me.

However, this renewed connection meant I hadn't found the chance to address the lingering situation with Loren. In the depths of my heart, I harbored a sense of guilt and a desire to resolve things with him.

The unresolved situation with Loren weighed on my conscience, a silent burden I couldn't ignore.

As my brush gently traced the contours of Harry's toes, I sighed and gently nudged his feet, signaling that I was done. 

Harry flashed me a smile while engrossed in his phone call, playfully puckering his lips for a kiss.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his antics. Getting up from the sofa, I leaned in and planted a quick peck on his lips before ruffling his curls.


Heading towards the kitchen, I yearned for something delicious that didn't involve vegetables.

Harry's insistence on eating organically and healthily was starting to wear on me. Opening the fridge, my hopes dwindled as I found nothing appetizing. 

Closing the door with a resigned exhale, I opted for a glass of water, the cool liquid providing a refreshing respite. Just as I gulped it down, Harry's arms wrapped around me from behind, and the weight of his chin rested on my shoulder. 

A low whisper tickled my ear, "What are you doing?"

Setting the glass on the kitchen slab, I turned around, intertwining my fingers with Harry's. 

"Considering a rebellion against your vegetable kingdom," I teased.

Harry scoffed, playfully smacking my arms. "Don't be mean to my veggies." I shrugged, leading him back into the living room. 

As I sat back on the couch, I looked at him and remarked, "Well, your veggies are being mean to me."

I couldn't help but observe Harry, a playful grin tugging at the corners of my lips– a vibrant red fur jumper paired with sleek black tights.

His unruly curls, usually a cascade of chaos, were neatly pulled back into a bun. His face bore a healthy glow, a touch of winter blush enhancing the soft rosy hue of his cheeks.

He was looking adorable.

Leaning comfortably into the plush cushions of the couch, I watched as Harry's face scrunched up in mild disapproval.

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