Chapter : 25

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Loren's Pov


The soft hum of the production house's lighting and the shuffle of clothing racks created a subtle ambiance after the final photo session had concluded. I settled onto the plush couch, clad in a comfortable white leather jacket over a snug turtle neck sweater and sleek black skinny jeans while my eyes flitted through the glossy pages of outfit catalogs sprawled before me. 

Each ensemble was meticulously chosen for the upcoming photoshoot. My assistant was fervently narrating the stories behind each fabric.

Despite her enthusiasm, my attention wavered, lured by the magnetic presence of Zayn sitting on the opposite couch.

We were here to wrap up my photo session, yet his attention seemed fixated on the TV screen. 

It wasn't just any show; it was an interview of Harry Styles on The Late Late Show with James Corden, and Zayn's focus on it was unmistakable. His eyes followed every word Styles spoke, and a subtle, enigmatic smile graced his lips.

Perusing through the meticulously curated options for my next photoshoot, I couldn't help but be drawn to the mystery of Zayn's sudden interest.

My gaze lingered on him, trying to decipher the meaning behind his uncharacteristic absorption in the celebrity world.

Breaking the silence, I said, "Zayn, I didn't know you kept up with the lives of your ex boss. Since when did celebrity gossip become your thing?"

Zayn's eyes shifted from the screen to meet mine, and a knowing glint sparkled in his gaze. 

"Just checking if he's still rocking those eccentric suits," he responded with a casual shrug.

I nodded feeling unsettled and curious as the interview continued its chatter in the background. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Zayn's interest than what met the eye. 

Despite my efforts to refocus on the task at hand, my attention remained divided between the pages of the catalog and presence of Zayn.

I flipped through the outfit catalog pages as my concentration struggled to hold. The outfits blurred into a mishmash of colors and styles, leaving me sighing in frustration.

Glancing up, I met the patient gaze of my assistant, and a tired smile formed on my lips.

"Perhaps I should finalize my decisions when I'm more relaxed?" I suggested.

She smiled politely, "Of course, Loren. Take your time, but make sure to give your final choices by the end of the day, if possible."

I nodded, "Sure." Just as she was about to leave, a sudden wave of hunger hit me. "Wait a moment. I'm hungry. Could you fetch me a cup of noodles?"

She chuckled, "Yes, hang on." With that, she left the lounge area, and I returned my attention to Zayn, still engrossed in the TV. 

Deciding to join him, I strolled over and settled beside him, causing a startled reaction. 

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