Chapter : 10

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I sighed, leaning against the bedroom wall on the balcony floor, my gaze fixed on the fading moon. The wind was relentless, sending shivers down my spine. Memories of the past resurfaced, and my mind wandered back to the day I met Harry.

"I never thought I'd develop a liking for something as simple as bread," I whispered to the cold air.

The bakery was where it all began—Harry's green eyes and that captivating smile that could brighten the gloomiest of days. I remembered how he used to draw smiley faces with ketchup on my bread, and it brought a faint smile to my face.

I felt a pang in my chest as the memories flowed, so did the uncertainty. Everything had changed so swiftly, and doubts gnawed at me, questioning if Harry's love for me still burned as fervently.

The cold wind was brushing against my face, I couldn't help but smile. Today was our fifth wedding anniversary, and my heart was filled with anticipation and excitement to spoil Harry with love and create beautiful memories. 

The journey we had traveled together was remarkable and fortunately still fresh and young. This day was a celebration of our love and commitment to each other. 

I leaned back, soaking in the tranquility of the moment, looking forward to the day ahead, eager to make it special for both of us.

The distant wail of a siren disrupted my thoughts, and I looked up at the sky, seeking solace amidst the stars. The chilly wind reminded me that I couldn't let doubt consume me.


I turned my head to see Harry, still half-asleep, making his way towards me. His familiar presence brought a sense of comfort, even amidst the chilly early morning air.

"Just needed some time alone," I replied, my gaze shifting back to the moon.

Harry yawned and playfully ruffled my hair, "It's freezing out here. You'll catch a cold."

I shrugged, trying to hide a smile. "I'm okay. You should go back inside."

He stomped his foot lightly and held my hand, using his best puppy-dog eyes. "Zaynie, baby, please! I can't sleep without you. You know that. Plus, I'm cold. Cuddle me."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, knowing that Harry's persistence would win this little battle. Reluctantly, I stood up, knowing Harry would throw a fit if I didn't comply.

"Alright, alright," I said, giving in.

He quickly led me inside, closing the balcony gate and drawing the curtains. Harry let out a sigh of relief, snuggling up close to me, finding warmth and comfort in my embrace.

"Much better," he mumbled, his head resting on my chest.

As I held him close, I realized that no matter how much things might have changed, some things remained constant—like Harry's need for closeness and warmth, and my willingness to provide it.

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