Sasuke Retrieval 52: Assemble

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When Sasuke walked into his home, Mikoto was sitting at the kitchen table with a blank look in her eyes. Though he would miss his mother, he knew he wouldn't miss that vacant look. He took off his shoes and walked toward her.

"I'm home, Mother," he said softly.

She blinked and then looked up at him before smiling. "Welcome home, Sasuke," she said. The smile never reached her eyes anymore. He just wanted her to smile at him like she truly meant it.

"I have to pack for a mission. Will you help me?" He grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. "I have to leave in a couple of hours."

Mikoto's gaze quickly changed to worried. "A mission? Why are you leaving so suddenly?" She asked as she followed him upstairs, worried.

He ignored the pang in his chest at the tone of her voice. "Our team was promoted to chuunin, and with our mission intake still being the same, they're sending me on one alone. Don't worry though, it's just a small escort and bodyguard mission. I don't know how long the client is going to want to keep me though, so I don't know when I'll be back," he explained easily. Lying to his mother was easier than it should've been.

"But you just... came back from one," she added sadly.

"I know, but it's my duty as a shinobi to go where I'm needed. I'll be back before you know it, Mother," he said, smiling back at her, hoping to reassure her. He was afraid of how she would react when he didn't come home until he had Itachi thrown over his shoulder. He couldn't ask Kushina to check in on her this time. He would just have to hope that any of them would think of his mother when he was discovered missing.

He hoped.

"I understand. Let's get you packed up, then," she said eventually after watching him take out anything he would need. He watched her back as she went into his drawers and closet for clothes and just stood there. He wanted to remember his mother the way she used to be, before. He needed to convince himself she was going to be okay without him for a little bit.

He stood back as she packed his clothes into his backpack, smiling at the way she hummed to herself as she did it. It was enough to hurt him. He walked up to her back and hugged her, leaning his cheek against her shoulder.

"Sasuke?" She asked, her tone concerning once again.

"I just hadn't seen you in so long. I missed you," he said. "I wanted to give you a hug before I left again."

Mikoto rubbed the arms wrapped around her middle as she chuckled. "You're always going to be my little boy, aren't you?"

Sasuke smiled wider, ignoring the stinging in his eyes at her affectionate words. If only he could've found someone to make him stronger here within the village. If only Minato hadn't been poisoned. If only he'd been a prodigy like Itachi. If only his brother hadn't left. If only Shisui hadn't died. If only... If only.

When she saw him off at the front door, he kissed her head. "I love you, Mother. Tell Father I'll be back soon."

She smiled brightly, much brighter than he'd seen her in a while, and he hoped he could remember that exact smile on her face if it ever became too difficult. "I will. I love you, too, sweetheart." But he didn't know if she would talk to Fugaku, as he hadn't seen his parents speak in years.

He waved to her one last time before walking out of the door without a single look back. He feared if he did, he'd abandon his plans altogether. He reached up and untied his forehead protector before shoving it in his back pocket, out of sight. He wouldn't be affiliated with the village anymore.

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