LW26: Training

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Team 7 had helped each other to their respective beds before all collapsing from exhaustion. The sun wasn't set to rise for another few hours and they wanted to make the most of it by sleeping and regaining energy before starting another day of training as the week was slowly coming to an end. Kakashi had already upped the weights on their legs twice, putting them at thirty pounds on each leg and sixty pounds in total. They were all rapidly improving as they pushed themselves and each other harder and harder; they had to be prepared for Zabuza.

Those few hours seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, but they forced the sleep away and got up to have breakfast before leaving for another full day of training.

"Hinata," Kakashi said. "Since you're the most advanced with chakra control and have completed your training, I want you to watch over Tazuna for today. We don't know when Zabuza will return. It could be any day."

Hinata nodded. "Yes, sensei."

"Just make sure to stay out of the way," Tazuna said. "I don't doubt your ability to protect me, I just don't think you can build a bridge."

Hinata giggled. "I promise I'll stay off to the side." She turned to Kakashi. "I can still keep the weights on, right?"

"They're not coming off until I say so."

Once breakfast was finished, Hinata went off with Tazuna while Naruto and Sasuke returned to the forest, their ego having been bruised by Kakashi pointing out that Hinata was currently more skilled than them. They understood she was probably going to always be better than them at chakra control since her fighting style depended on that, but they knew they had to be on equal terms with one another to work properly as a team.

Hinata stood on the side of the bridge with her byakugan activated, practicing her taijutsu, as the workers passed by carrying supplies on their shoulders and trying not to look at her. She tried not to let it bother her, smiling when she turned and caught someone, but she couldn't help but feel extremely exposed by their blatant staring.

"Uh, little girl? You're distracting my workers here," Tazuna suddenly said. "Do you need to have your eyes like that?"

Because he seemed apologetic, Hinata took it in stride. "I need it to protect you. With this, I can see almost half a mile away," she explained. "I will face the other way so as not to distract your workers. I apologize, Tazuna-san."

He wiped the sweat from his face with the towel he kept around his neck. "You can really see that far with those eyes? I've never seen anything like it. To be honest, I thought you were blind the first time I saw you."

Hinata giggled. "Yes, it's a special eye ability that runs in my family. Sasuke has one as well, but his isn't as noticeable as mine when it's deactivated."

Tazuna hummed. "That's pretty interesting."

"Tazuna!" They both looked to see a worker walking toward them. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." He nodded goodbye to Hinata and stepped to the side. "Is there something wrong?"

The man looked regretful as he let out a deep sigh. "I just wanted to let you know that today's gonna be my last day. With everything going on, it's getting too dangerous and I need to stay alive to take care of my family."

Tazuna narrowed his eyes. "I don't think that's gonna matter if this bridge doesn't get finished. We'll all die. This is important and I need you here!"

The man looked to the ground. "I'm sorry, but I've made up my mind. Good luck finishing the bridge."

Tazuna pushed past him. "Coward," he spat as he walked away to get back to work.

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