Search For Tsunade47: New Jutsu

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Hinata woke up just as the sun began rising and climbed out of her tent. Unsurprisingly, Naruto hadn't come out and she could still hear him snoring away. She quickly packed her things up and sealed her tent back into a scroll before heading to wake him up.

She unzipped the tent and peered inside. "Naruto, it's time to get going," she called out. She giggled when she saw him sprawled out over his sleeping bag with drool soaking his mesh armor shirt and pillow. She climbed into the tent and shook him awake. "Naruto."

Sleepily, Naruto pried his eyes open and looked up at her. "You're pretty," he mumbled sleepily, his eyes closing again. Hinata didn't even have time to stammer anything out before his eyes shot open. "Is it morning already?" He asked. She cleared her throat, ignoring the heat in her face, and hummed an affirmative. He groaned, almost pouting.

From outside the tent, Jiraiya called out, "Tell him to remember that he's gonna be learning his new jutsu today!" At this, Naruto's eyes lit up and he jumped up, causing the tent to pop out of the ground and fall over. They both yelped, but Hinata couldn't help but laugh loudly as Naruto scrambled. He tripped over his jacket, rolled over her, and out of the tent. All the while, Hinata's eyes were watering from how hard she was laughing.

Jiraiya looked down at the Uzumaki with a water balloon in his hand and an amused smile on his face. "Smooth," he said.

Naruto, face red from embarrassment, huffed. "Shaddup." Then he looked at the item in his sensei's hand. "What's that?"

The Sannin nodded to the balloon. "This is the first step of your training. This is how you learn a move that your mother named the Rasengan."

Naruto ruffled his hair, messing it up more. "That's a weird name."

"Not as crazy as what your dad first named it. Trust me, kid, he's terrible at naming jutsus." Hinata finally crawled out of the tumbled tent after her laughter had subsided and stood next to Naruto. She caught the water balloon when Jiraiya tossed it to her. "I'll demonstrate the jutsu. Both of you watch closely."

The man held his hand out and suddenly there was chakra gathering in his palm similar to what Sasuke would do when using the Chidori. But it was different in that it wasn't lightning, but a glowing, spinning ball of chakra that Jiraiya held in his palm. Both genin stared at it in awe. Then Jiraiya rushed for a tree nearby and pushed the ball into it.

"Whoa," Naruto whispered as the ball disappeared into the tree, creating a small crater, and the back of it exploded. "Holy crap, that was awesome!"

Jiraiya pulled his hand back and grinned pridefully. "So, what do you think?"

"I think I wanna learn that right now!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Well, hold your horses. It took your dad three years to perfect this. You're going to have to be patient." Naruto visibly slumped. "But we're going to get started today, and I think you have it in you to at least cut that time down in half!"

Naruto perked up. "Yeah? You think I can be as strong as my dad?"

"Even stronger!"

"Thanks, Ero-Sennin! So what's the water balloon got to do with it?" He asked his sensei.

"This move involves spinning your chakra in both directions to create a sphere. Because of that, you'll need to really get a handle on your chakra control. What I want you to do, is use your chakra to spin the water that's inside the balloon and pop it," Jiraiya explained.

"So you're combining tree climbing and water walking," Hinata pointed out. "Except you push and create a vortex with it."

"You mean like what you do while fighting and when Gaara had you pinned to that tree?"

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