P5: The Protector

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Hinata was guided home by her father and Ko. She'd gotten out of the hospital after spending three days more days in there. She would've felt driven up the wall by being confined to her room, but Sasuke had stopped by every day on his way home from school with some written work that Iruka-sensei had given them and helped her write her answers. She was grateful to him; her grades wouldn't suffer too much thanks to him turning her work in the next day.

Sasuke had opened up to her quicker than she thought he would. He talked about his family and how he felt being the youngest and how his father treated him because of it. She listened patiently and offered him a silver lining and praise where she could; she sensed he needed reassurance and Itachi was unable to be around to give it to him.

"I hope your sight comes back soon," he sighed one afternoon. He didn't say more with Ko in the corner of the room but she knew what he was referring to.

She nodded. "It should be a few more days," she replied.

"It's gonna be awesome!" And Hinata could tell he had a huge smile on his face.

Part of her figured that Sasuke was easily opening up and expressing himself to her more because she couldn't see. She was expecting him to close up a little when her sight did return, and that was okay. Hinata was just happy that she could bring him some comfort, even if it was just for a few days.

Itachi had informed her the day before that he would be gone for a three-day mission so he would be unable to visit her, but he'd talked to her father about looking over her training personally and was waiting for an answer.

Today, she had suddenly been released and she felt bad that she could not tell Sasuke so she kindly asked Ko to make sure the nurses at the front desk informed Sasuke that she had been released.

"Hinata, today you will be meeting your cousin, Neji. I've told you of him before, do you remember?" Her father asked.

"Yes, I...remember, father," she said. She was counting her steps since she'd never gone to the hospital before. "I'm sorry, but I'm...counting my steps."

Hiashi hummed and said nothing more until they arrived at the front gate. "We're here."

Hinata logged the number of steps and turns in her head and nodded to herself. "I'm happy to be home, father," she said.

"Neji, say hello to Hinata," Hiashi said.

"Hinata-sama, hello. It's wonderful to meet you," Neji said, bowing to her with a bright smile on his face. He blushed at her cherub face and red cheeks and thought she was the cutest person he'd ever seen.

"The pleasure is all mine, Neji-san. Thank you for... coming to greet me," she said, bowing her head back.

"Neji is currently in training to be your protector. He's training hard to ensure that you are safe, and I expect the same commitment from you as well, my daughter. We will start our training again tomorrow after school," Hiashi explained.

"Y-yes, father. I will continue to...do my best."

"Neji, today you may stay with Hinata until I finish my meeting. I will send for you when I'm ready."

"Yes, Hiashi-sama, thank you," Neji said.

Sitting in Hinata's favorite tea room, they were silent. Neji stared at her openly, taking her in and admiring her looks. Hinata sat quietly waiting to be spoken to as she drank her tea.

"Hinata-sama, how is your training going?" Neji finally asked.

"It's going...well," she said. After hearing that she had properly defended herself, Hinata felt a bit more confident in herself. "And yours?"

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