My husband

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Murtasim was guilty. He really was. He wanted to apologise to his Meerab. Although he never wanted to leave her on her foster parents' doorstep but he had to. He knew his mother would do the worst of her. But what he didn't realise was that she had no home. She didn't consider that house as her home.

That hit him like a ton of brick. He immediately shot a glare towards his mother and left for Karachi.

On this way to Karachi house, he saw Meerab accompanied by Saba, the girl he saw last time. But shocking fact was Rohail. And moreover, Mèerab said nothing. He felt angry and stupid. Here he was dying in shame, and there she was.

He followed their car till it reached a restaurant. He went ahead and saw them sitting. Carefully observing meerab, Murtasim understood she was just physically there. And that bustard kept talking about some divorce shit.

Divorcing Meerab? Over his dead body.

He waited until meerab noticed. And she did she came running. Murtasim wanted to tease her. But her eyes told something else. As if they didn't get an ounce of sleep. As if they were waiting.

He kept her close to his heart.

"Go enjoy with them." He still teased.



"You are here for real, right?" She was dreaming about him? She did?

"Did you dream about me?" He whispered.

"About us." Meerab replied.

"What about us?" Murtasim was eager to know about his Meerab's dream on them.

"We, sitting in lawn with cups of coffee and you are listening to me. Telling me you are mine." Tears slipped through their eyes.

"I want to listen. Forgive me, please."

"I am not even angry. Just don't leave me like this. Mera tumahre siva koi aur and koi ghar e nahi hai." Murtasim felt himself shaken. His mother made him trigger his wife's insecurities. He made her promise he would leave her in Karachi. Otherwise, she'll torture her. And he won't be there all the time.

"Murtasim is yours. I am here, sweetheart."

"Kiss me, Murtasim. " Mèerab was shocking today.

"This is a public place. They will arrest us."

"I am sure my husband can handle them.

Murtasim just kissed her forehead and took their leave. He had no energy to argue with Rohail or Saba.

On their way home, he let Mèerab sleep. They had a long argument to win. As they reached home, Murtasim made her lay on their bed. Then, they called others in their living room in case meerab gets scared.

As soon as everyone gathered, he started questioning Haya.

"So Haya, you saw Maryum eloping with malik zubair, right?"


"Why didn't you inform us?"

"I didn't know him then." Murtasim laughed.

"Even if you didn't,  they were eloping. you should have told us. Leave it. Tell me, why did you put oil on the staircase? Why did you do black magic on my wife?" Murtasim roared, and everyone else got shocked while meerab came to stand beside him.

"I didn't do anything. She's lying. Making up stories." Haya tried to come close to Mèerab but Murtasim pushed her away.

"She told me nothing. I've my own source, Haya. You have lost in your own game."

"Ma begum, this is Meerabs house. Next time, don't you dare throw him out of her own house. Throw the outsiders like this shitty Haya. She will be gone to her dadiyal and never return. This is NOT her house. She will not stay here." Murtasim declared his decision, and the only thing Haya could do is cry.

When everyone left, Murtasim sat in front of Haya and gave him a sinister smile.

"You made my wife insecure. I will make you insane, behaya. You told her I would leave her? Let me tell you, Haya,
I would never do that. You have always made her feel worthless, right? How about a punishment for this?"

"Murtasim she.."

"I got it. I will fuck her in front of you. Meerab, moaning and writhing under me. You said you love me, but you tried to destroy my Meerab. This will kill you. So this is it." Murtasim laughed like a manic.

Haya could not even think of it. She was so sure he would never touch Mèerab after the play she played, which was backfired on her.

Don't worry. Haya is not gonna see Murtasim n.....🤭

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