29 - Twenty - Nine - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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Helios was just standing there, not making a single sound, and it was clear to see why. Yuri, being Yuri, had passed out in the short time I had gone to meet Helios at the door.

"I'll wake him up." I whispered. Mere moments from setting my hand on his shoulder, his eyes opened, and he was startled and kicked me in the nuts. Dropping like a sack of potatoes, I cupped my nuts and hissed.

"Oh.. god! Nikita, I'm sorry!" Yuri yelled, guilt on his face. "I didn't expect you to be right there. It was just an instant reaction because of everything that happened."

"Don't worry. I'll be ok when I catch my breath," I groaned, and Yuri looked up, finally spotting Helios, and his cheeks flushed. "Yuri, meet Helios." I said through clenched teeth as I stood up. Putting space between Yuri and me so he couldn't accidentally on purpose kick me in the nuts again.

"Nice to meet you." Yuri said, getting off the couch and sticking his hand out for Helios to shake.

"The pleasure is all mine." Helios said and smiled perfect bleached white teeth at Yuri as he took his hand. "So, like I told Nikita, I brought you more than just a computer. I brought you some clothing and personal care items. All brand new, of course."

Yuri awkwardly fiddled his thumbs together and thanked Helios. "I'll have Nikita forward money for the things to you."

"Oh, there's no need for that. Don't worry about it." Helios said, and you could see the amusement in his eyes at the fact he was making Yuri nervous. "You still owe me a chat about how you got into my servers, Yuri."

The way he said Yuri's name made it seem like it was the sweetest and delicate word to come from his mouth, and I glanced at Yuri, who was flushed again.

"Would you like a bottle of water or something?" I asked Helios.

"Please, that would be great," he said.

"I'll get it," Yuri said, and took off before I could tell him he didn't even know where the water was kept. Oh well, it wasn't that hard to find it. He would find it eventually.

"He's far more skittish than I thought he would be," Helios said politely.

"Oh, I doubt this is him being skittish. You just aren't the way he was picturing you. I tried to warn him, but he didn't listen." I hummed.

"Warn him? About what exactly?" Helios said, a frown making its way onto the man's features.

"Nothing bad. Just that if he pictured you as a young man like himself, that he was wrong." I chuckled and heard chatter in the foyer. It had to be Viktor. Flicking the Tv off, Helios and I sat down on separate couches waiting for Yuri to come back.

Viktor walked into the lounge room and greeted Helios, before coming over and tilting my head up to press a kiss to my lips.

"Yuri is hiding in the kitchen with a water bottle. I would ask why that is, but I see the reason." Viktor said, taking his coat off and setting it over the back of the couch before sitting beside me. "You know where the kitchen is, go fetch him Helios."

Helios gave Viktor a smirk and stood up, heading towards the kitchen. Crossing my arms, I turned to Viktor and smiled at him. "Yuri is going to think you don't like him when he finds out you sent Helios in after him."

"I only told him to go so that I could shower my husband with a few moments of affection. There was no other reason than that." Viktor chuckled and kissed me again, this time deeper and slower. Like he was savouring our connected touch.

"Yuri is in over his head. Helios is his golden, ideal type of partner."

"That makes more sense. He was pretty pink in the kitchen." Viktor chucked, wrapping his arm around my waist. "I see he brought more than just the computer."

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