10 - Ten - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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Klara took the lead, and I followed behind her, seeing clear over the top of her head the entire time. I honestly found it amusing because she was the shortest one here. Every single one of her men towered almost a foot over her. I stepped around her when we got to the door of the building.

"Just bust the fucking door open and let's get this guy."

The symbol on the door was one of a few that they used ‌for secret illegal markets. If Klara even so much as opened that door and walked inside, she would probably be dead. It all depended on who owned the market.

"This is an illegal market. None of you will get inside. Back up, I don't know who owns this or if they want extra guests." I said, before removing my larger gun off my back and making sure my handgun was pretty hidden. I passed my larger gun to Klara and walked up to the door and gave three loud knocks on the metal door. The door opened and a large man with his hand on a weapon looked me over.

"State your name and business," he said firmly.

"I'd like to speak to the owner. Tell him, of course, he can name his price for his time." I said, and he looked over at Klara and the others.

"Only one other person can come with you."

I nodded and looked at Klara. "Come on, you can come. Not the boys, though, and that." I said, pointing at both of our large guns. "Those have to stay out of the market."

The door man whistled, and someone else met us at the door. "Take them to Helios."

"A-are you sure?" The guy stuttered, as if he was terrified of going to see his boss.


The guy led us to a stairwell and stopped. "All the way up. It's the only room up there." As soon as we started up the steps, he was gone.

"Nikita! What the hell have you gotten me into?" Klara hissed and glared at me.

"An illegal market on Viktor's turf." I muttered.

"We are both so dead if he finds out about this, and the fucking market." Klara muttered and turned her attention back to climbing the stairs. I took a deep breath and followed Klara up the rest of the stairs. We reached the top, and the door was closed. I slowly opened the door, after knocking, and we stepped inside.

"Welcome to my market." A deep voice chuckled, and he put the cigar out in the ashtray. "What brings a contract killer to my humble business?" He stood up, and he was fucking huge, like Lev.

"We are looking for someone said to frequent here. I can show you. I'm sure he's here." I said, holding up my phone.

"What did he do? I don't get your type, in person at least." He replied and walked to the window, opening the curtains. "Come look. If you see him, I'll have him brought to you."

I pulled out my phone, intending to ask Yuri where he was in this place, but the man, Helios, interrupted that. "With your eyes, not my cameras. I don't like when others play with my things. Your friend has been playing around in my things all day."


Knowing that he liked to gamble, and he had all that cash, I looked at the tables and it didn't take too long to find him. Using his photo I had on my phone, I looked between the two and I was sure that was him. "There, at the poker table. Red shirt."

He called someone on the radio and then looked at Klara. "You can go join my men on the floor to retrieve your man, if that's him." He turned to look at me. "We have a price to settle."

As soon as Klara left, he closed the curtains and went to sit back down. He pointed to a chair. "Please, sit."

I sat down in the chair and he re-lit his cigar. "You're Russian right? Your accent gives it away."

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