07 - Seven - Nikita Russo's Point Of View.

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Viktor yanked me out of the bed, and I panicked, flailing in his arms. His hand was warm on my cheek as he held me tightly, and he looked almost horrified. My brain tried to process everything that was going on. Swallowing, my throat felt hoarse and my mouth dry. My heart was thundering in my chest, and I was trembling.

"Nikita, are you ok now?" Viktor asked.

"Why did you wake me?" I asked, my throat aching.

"You were screaming and thrashing around in your sleep." he sighed, and set his forehead on mine. "I hated that."

Groaning, I went limp in his arms. "You should have just left me. I'm tired."

Viktor set me back on the bed and pulled a hand through his hair. "This is why you wanted to sleep alone?"

"Yes, but I didn't know it was this bad again."

"Again, so this happens often?" he asked, and I could feel his eyes boring into me. I was exactly sure how much of the truth to give Viktor, but it only seemed right to tell him.

"Yeah. Though it's honestly been a while. Probably stress related."

"Nikita, I won't tell you how to manage this, but a doctor might be the best idea."

"I'll think about it." I muttered, getting out of Viktor's bed and stretching. I was fairly rested, except for the part where I was suddenly jerked awake, but it was understandable. Viktor was a little off put by seeing my thrashing and screaming. As a teenager, Lev had forced me to go on medication for them, because they were bothering him and his sister, but after we parted ways, I ignored the need for the pills.

"Viktor?" I said, and looked at him.


"When I was a teenager, these episodes were treated with an antidepressant, and they went away mostly. If they don't resolve themselves shortly, then I'll get something for it."


Viktor led me to the lounge room. Lev and Alessio, along with Ilya and Vito, were chatting I could hear their voices. But they all went quiet when Viktor and I came into the room.

"You look like you're doing well." Ilya said and crossed his arms over his chest. "Guess being a lying bitch of Viktor's fairs out well for you," he hissed, and Vito reprimanded him for his words.

"No, that's fair. I understand why you would be pissed off about this, but I don't really care, Ilya. You won't have to worry about your cousin sticking his nose in Vito's and your business. So call me what you will, but enjoy it."

"I don't fucking get why you had to do that. You could have had your freedom and shit, and instead you leaked information to fucking Viktor and gave him the fucking win," Ilya hissed, and clearly he wasn't completely over his loss yet.

"Like I said, doing this settles both sides. You get your future with Vito to plan yourself, and Viktor gets what he wants as well."

"And, you? What the fuck do you get?" Ilya yelled, clearly getting worked up about it again.

"Ilya, settle." Vito said, setting his hand on Ilya's knee.

"Settle? You want me to settle when everyone, Lev included, makes out better than Nikita? Not one of you dared to think about his wants or his needs. You just do whatever you want with him, and he fucking allowed it. Fuck, even I did it." Ilya hissed. He stewed in the silence for a few more second before he turned his attention to Viktor. "You best do everything in your power to make sure that Nikita is looked after. Since no one else seems to care about what he wants and needs, but if you neglect him on either front, I'll make you the king of a pile of ashes, Viktor Russo."

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